objects with meaning

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What are some objects that mean a lot to you?, and what (if you want to share), is their meaning?

I have a ring, a small silver ring, which was given to me by a friend that moved away. It is a lovely ring, and fits my finger perfectly.

I have others, but want to hear yours first
I am not a jewelery person. I have a lot of jewellery which was handed down to me.

But the one piece of jewellery I always wear apart from my medic alert bracelet is a silver chain with a heart pendant and what looks like a tiny diamond inside.
It was given to me by 2 of my brothers and their wives on my 30th, I’m now almost 47.

The only time I take it off is when I have to go to hospital amd have scans etc
I have a topaz ring that my grandfather bought for my grandma when he was fighting in WWII. I never
got to meet my grandpa he passed away before I was born. I also have some antique dishes that my
husbands grandma gave me one of the items I love is a cake plate and she gave me a note telling me
she got the cake plate at her bridal shower in 1918.

I have some very special letters that I've collected over the years. I have the final letter my paternal grandmother sent to my father from India while he was doing hi PhD here in Utah in the 1960's. I also have the letter that my maternal grandfather sent to my mom after my birth in England.
I have some very special letters that I've collected over the years. I have the final letter my paternal grandmother sent to my father from India while he was doing hi PhD here in Utah in the 1960's. I also have the letter that my maternal grandfather sent to my mom after my birth in England.
OOO. someone else from the UK. cool
I often joke that my immediate family is international. My father was born in India (the country hadn't been divided then), & my mother in Karachi, Pakistan. I was born in Walsall England, and my younger sister in Philadelphia, PA.
I often joke that my immediate family is international. My father was born in India (the country hadn't been divided then), & my mother in Karachi, Pakistan. I was born in Walsall England, and my younger sister in Philadelphia, PA.
I'm not sure my family are quite that international.

I had an aunt that livd in sweden, and an uncle who lived in australia, but I never met either of them.

The rest of us were born in Birmingham and pretty much don't even travel.
I recently found, on ebay, the exact same globe that I used to use as a kid to learn the countries of the world.

I ordered it and it came a few months ago. It's in such great condition and sits pride of place on my table...
I've ALWAYS been into geography and geology. I loved (& still do love) many science field. I wanted to study the geological sciences when I was little but decided not to (I even collected rocks, & still like to). I knew that it would require a PhD & lots of fieldwork or a tenured teaching position to make good money. I said no way to being an MD after my allergic reaction to Tegretol--I felt like a museum display.
How many rocks did you? (do you), have?

I don't think I've ever really been a rock collector, or at least not the stone ones... candy, sure

I have a stick of rock candy sat on my desk unopened. yum..
I have many--30-40 that I can easily recognize/name, & many others that I've collected just due to their odd shape or color. I began collecting them when I was 5 years old, living in South Dakota.
I began to focus on collecting stamps & coins when I was 13. At that time, collecting stickers, especially scented ones, was the rage. I did for a time, but then felt "these will never be worth a dime", while stamps & coins always have some value
I don't even know why I collected coins back in the day

I mean, when people went on their travels, I would always ask them to keep some of the local currency and then I would just bag it up and put it in the corner never to be heard of again. (honestly I think I just liked it for decoration), and they... felt nice. Yeah, I said it. lol... I did like the feel of the various coins, especially the spanish ones with the holes in the middle of them.

I don't have them now, though, and I sort of wish I did. I can't get them back, currency has changed. That's fine..

Maybe part of it was also the fact I've never traveled (and actually don't intend to). I mean, there are places on my bucket list (Kenya to name just one), but I'm not going to click my heels and just overcome my fear of heights
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