Saying Hello, concerned about med switch

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I'm 50 years old. Had my 1st partial complex seizure 4 years ago.
There is a history of diabetes in my family so that was the road
the treatment went. My 2nd happened behind the wheel which
took me off the road but confirmed an epilepsy diagnosis.
My neuro put me on Keppra and has kept me seizure free for
2 years and put me back behind the wheel.
I started having small bouts of anxiety and fear about 6 months
after starting. It has recently gone to full on anxiety attacks and
the much discussed "Keppra Rage". Thanks to this forum and
other info sources I was able to figure out what was going on.
My neuro has now started me on the switch to Lamictal. Just
knowing I'm addressing the issues plus the info about adding
B vitamin supplements has helped to ease the anxiety some.
Just wondering if there is anything to watch for during the switch.
Thanks for all the extremely helpful info on the forum. It definitely
helped me keep my sanity through this.
Hi DrummerMan,

Welcome to CWE! I've had complex partial and absence seizure for 44 years now. I tried Keppra and that drug gave me a hot temper so after a month of being on the drug I changed and went on vimpat and that drug did wonders stopping just about all of my complex partial seizure and the drug has greatly reduced my absence seizures. As you have read vitamin B12 can sometimes help a person the vitamin helps calm the nerves another thing that works great for me is putting coconut oil on my skin twice a day. This in turn makes ketones in my body like the ketongenic diet does and it has reduced my seizures. Years ago I tried Lamictal but after being on the drug for only 4 days I broke out with a rash and had to go off the drug.
I've tried over 10 different seizure meds and then my Epileptologist did a DNA test on me and by doing that they can see the amount of enzymes in a persons liver along with seeing their body chemistry then they can see what seizure med will help the person the most with the least side effects, after having this test done I found out I was drug resistant so just this last Friday I started the CBD oil to see how that will work for me and so far so good. You may want to speak with your Dr. about getting a DNA test done.
I wish you only the best, I have found everyone here is very kind and supportive. Good luck and May God Bless You!

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I always read up on medication side effects but this is an area where one determines if one's doc is on the same page - you don't want a doc that blows off every side effect and isn't interested in your seizure control at the expense of your quality of life.

The big baddies but not necessarily the common reactions that can also happen with other AEDs... Lots of people are concerned with a possible rash with lamotrigine. That's the black box warning on this. I realized my child was allergic to nickel because I was checking skin, a common allergy, so not all rashes are *the* rash. The other big cautions with lamotrigine are potential suicidal behavior, blood issues, meningitis, etc...

My child gets dizzy/vertigo, nauseous, and can't function if the dose is above a certain level - and not a high dose. Not everyone can take high amounts of every drug and be ok. We also use a pharmacy that will give us same generic manufacturer for lamotrigine every month. Still, I wonder if the weird effects we see would happen with the brand.

One factor in reducing problems is to start or stop lamotrigine using a slow schedule.

My favorite for this drug - if you are screened for drugs at work, less sophisticated tests may show you positive for PCP.
Hi DrummerMan,
Welcome to CWE. I have simple and complex partial seizures.
Thanks Sue, I hope things go well for you. I started the Lamictal in small doses a couple weeks ago and so far no rash. Here's hoping it stays that way.

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Much appreciated Hobbes. He has me on a 8 week switch over which I hope works for me. The PCP thing is very strangely interesting.

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I started the Lamictal in small doses a couple weeks ago and so far no rash. Here's hoping it stays that way.

As you will note at the beginning of this article, the overall risk of the Steven's Johnson Rash is roughly 1 per 1000 patients.,020764s3s14s18s19s20lbl.pdf
This by no means is saying zero risk, but this risk is pretty low. The slower the titration process, the less the overall side effects and this may also reduce the rash risk. If you are concerned, ask your neurologist and depending on his/her response it is your right to say you want to slow the titration even slower than the so-called standard titration.
I also developed anxiety attacks when I was on Keppra several years ago. I currently take Lamictal (among other meds), and I have had fewer side effects with it than with any other medication. Best of luck!
I also developed anxiety attacks when I was on Keppra several years ago. I currently take Lamictal (among other meds), and I have had fewer side effects with it than with any other medication. Best of luck!
Thanks zombelina, the fact that I could come here and read my exact situation in other people's posts almost literally kept me sane during the worst of this.

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Hello Drummerman
welcome to CWE
I've never driven but that's no big deal never been able to.My DH has Diabetes and also epilepsy be he had surgery in 1972 hasn't had sz since my surgery didn'tdo it in 82 I'm refractory I'm allergic to your med and the one your docs talking about putting you on. I've been on 23-24 meds and had the VNS.I have complex,simplepartial,tonic clonic genarlized absenceI' haven't had just one type of sz since I was a kid. I'm giving my neuro a call today.
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