The Arcochallenge

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Thought I'd try a new word game, to get those brains working:ponder:

The concept is simple,

First person provides a word they want to next poster to make an acronym, for example,
Next poster.... Apples Prevent Purple Levitating Elephants.
When you've made your acronym, you then need to provide a new word for the next poster to make an acronym.

Have fun, I'm only going to make one rule.... Please no words which are impossible or overly difficult to make an acronym. We don't want to game to stop abruptly because someone wants 'supercalifregalisticexpiladocious' made into an acronym :)

First word

(fantastic game CrunchyFrog!)

Hair Armpit Perspiration Plagues Youth

Seriously Underestimated Foreign Folks On Long Kayaks

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crazy aardvark rescues donkey in fumbled fashion

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