This or that?

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Grilled--I avoid fried for only 1 reason--why add extra fat?

Cool or Warm Weather? --I love the warmer weather--my husband & I garden, growing tomatoes, zucchini, hot peppers & okra.
Grilled--I avoid fried for only 1 reason--why add extra fat?

Cool or Warm Weather? --I love the warmer weather--my husband & I garden, growing tomatoes, zucchini, hot peppers & okra.
I apparently missed this message

But I like cooler weather

Again. Bath or shower
I love long, hot soaks but don’t take baths that often.

Apples or bananas?
Apples--especially w/Tajin on them

Strawberries or Blackberries? I prefer blackberries
Confession time: I have never eaten a blackberry!

I don't know if this is bad or not, but I'm assuming it is because most people have probably, at some point in their lives, eaten one

So strawberry

Cold or hot drink?
Coke (just as long as it's not cheap store coke)

I've bought coke from stores where it's just been really bad because it isn't the real thing.

Rock music or country
Quiet country--I enjoy watching wildlife, especially birds. (Though there are things I love about the city)

Veggie omelet or scrambled eggs? I prefer the omelet

Weekends seem to drag for me for some reason

It could be, very well because I don't have much to do on the weekends usually accept church

Well, I don't really have much to do on weekdays (unless I need to be at an appointment or something)

Maybe I just.. I don't know. Appreciate weekdays more because, well I don't even have an answer. I just do.

Hugs or no hugs. (I actually love to be hugged, depending of course on who it is)
Depends on the occasion
Button down blouse for work but prefer T-shirt

Sweatpants or jeans
anything but jeans

I don't like wearing them. Never have

Quiet day but with time to yourself, or busy day with things to do.. but no time to yourself
I'll take jeans over sweats, slacks over jeans.

Apple or Windows Operating System?

I am using windows 10 now (says the girl who said she was happy with Xp and would never switch to anything else)

Long novel or collection of shorter stories
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