Time To Celebrate

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Hi Folks,

I am one happy person now. Today (June 25th) I finally retired from working in public school after 35 yrs.
You know you are getting old when your first students are 52 and 53 yrs. old and some of them are grandparents.
It will be great not having to get up early and go to work especially in the winter months.

I wish all of you only the Best and May God Bless You,

That’s quite an accomplishment. I imagine there’s many students that benefited from your Sunshine ☀️
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I will say school certainly has changed over the yrs. When I first
started working at school there was no internet or computers students had to read books and take notes like
the good old days (the way I like it). Today kids are on the internet or their cell phones to do their work and
I can see a big difference in the amount of effort put into their work.
Here in NY teaching is one of the worst jobs to have now and nobody wants to do it anymore because it's more
like a business instead of education.
Wishing all of you only the Best and May God Bless All of You!

Enjoy your retirement
I can imagine you’ve seen a lot of change in the years while you’ve been at the school.

I finished school in 1994 and back then it was still black boards, and internet was only just coming in. The only time we used the computer was for touch typing classes and you had to save your work regularly in case it froze but we did play the game where in the world was Carmen sandiago?

I don’t even know if they use blackboards now 🤣. My sister out law (brothers ex wife) is a primary school teacher and she posted a picture of her class room once and it was a screen instead of a blackboard?

My Dad recently had a birthday & was talking to his 5 yo grandson who started school this year. He asked his grandson what he’s been doing at school and he said learning how to use his tablet 🙄.
I’m guessing they don’t use pen and paper much anymore at school 🤷‍♀️
Hi CQ,

You are correct other than math and technology (wood and metal shop) students just use computers for everything
and the teacher has their worksheets typed up online for them to do. What really bugs me is most of the students
want the paper and pen back but administration says this is the way to do things today and it's saving money on paper.
I said look at the prices of the laptop computers for all the students that's even more. What bugs me is many schools
have done away with cursive writing and even if a student fails a class or their regents exam they will allow the student
on to the next grade which to me isn't correct. As I mentioned before public school has become more of a business
than education anymore and it's really sad.

As far as chalkboard they are long gone now they call them smart board where everything is electronic and the teacher
can type up from their computer and it will go on the board plus the board will show the class, do recordings of the class
in case a student is absent but it won't save any work or class notes and that's where it's hurting the students.

Wishing You only the Best and May God Bless You,

Hi CQ,

You are correct other than math and technology (wood and metal shop) students just use computers for everything
and the teacher has their worksheets typed up online for them to do.
I work for cabinet maker and my boss has had his business for over 30 years. When my boss learnt it was all by hand, now when they apprentices go to trade school I dont think they're taught to build things much by hand as machines do it now.

We have a machine that cuts all the timber so once it's processed the boys just have to put the pieces together. The information has to be put in the computer & my boss has someone who does that.

I said to my boss it's such a pity that the boys cant think for themselves as much any more like he wouldve had to & one of his other workers (who is older & old school like my boss).
Congrats!! Its hard to believe last year my high school class would have celebrated their 30 year reunion. I can't believe that some schools aren't even teaching kids how to write in cursive any more. Despite being very good in math, I often couldn't help my son with his homework. Some methods that were used in my son's math class were very different from anything I was ever taught.
My younger son will be a sophomore in high school, & my older son will complete his bachelors in December.
Congrats!! Its hard to believe last year my high school class would have celebrated their 30 year reunion. I can't believe that some schools aren't even teaching kids how to write in cursive any more. Despite being very good in math, I often couldn't help my son with his homework. Some methods that were used in my son's math class were very different from anything I was ever taught.
My younger son will be a sophomore in high school, & my older son will complete his bachelors in December.
Correct me if I'm wrong sophomore is about year 9 or 10?
So about 15 or 16

It's different over here since the Aussie is Dec - Mar our school year starts late January.

School starts aged 5-6 and they go to primary school until year 6.

Then onto high school in year which is when they're about 12 going onto 13. Back when I was in high school you usually stayed in the one school (unless there was a reason for change) until you completed your high school certificate in year 12 when you were 17/18. I only went to year 11.

But about 16 years ago they changed it and made it where you go to one high school from years 7-9 then a different school (think they call it senior college) from years 10 -12

I preferred it in my day when it wasn't so complicated 🤣
Major thumbs up! Isn’t it great to look back at our earlier years. Sometimes sad when we look back at the good times, but that is the start of ones new good times. Don’t sleep too late though :)
Hi CQ,

A sophomore is a 10th grader and they are about 16 yrs. old depending on when they started school some
students start at age 4 others at age 5 it all depends on if their birthday is by a certain date in January.

Here is the U.S. we start school in September and are finished in June. Elementary school is from ages 4- 10
then there's Jr. High school which is 6th-8th grade and the students are 11-14 and then off to High school and most
students graduate by the age of 17 or 18 yrs. old.

When I was in school the elementary school was K- 6 then high school was 7th grade through 12th grade but the
school I worked at has so many students that they had to split them up.

Here's wishing You Well and May God Bless You,

Hi cadsgj,

Take my word I won't be sleeping in I've always been an early bird and since the virus broke out I took a
cut in my retirement pay and after I retired I got a part time job to help cover the health ins. which went up
sky high. I'm only working 4 hrs. a day at a store and I just started but the extra money I make will help
with the health ins.
Wishing You Only The Best and May God Bless You,

Hi CQ,

A sophomore is a 10th grader and they are about 16 yrs. old depending on when they started school some
students start at age 4 others at age 5 it all depends on if their birthday is by a certain date in January.

Here is the U.S. we start school in September and are finished in June. Elementary school is from ages 4- 10
then there's Jr. High school which is 6th-8th grade and the students are 11-14 and then off to High school and most
students graduate by the age of 17 or 18 yrs. old.

When I was in school the elementary school was K- 6 then high school was 7th grade through 12th grade but the
school I worked at has so many students that they had to split them up.

Here's wishing You Well and May God Bless You,

Thanks Sue
In a way the age groups are pretty much the same 🙂, it’s just we just call it primary school and high school. I’ve knew you guys were different but I always forget how it works with the ages.

We’re the same it depends on when the child’s birthdate is as to when they start school. I think if they were born in the middle of the year they could start at 4 and turn 5 while in their 1st year of school.

Im not sure when it is now but back when I went school you had to be 5 after June to start school. I was born in September so I was already 5, my siblings were all born earlier in the year with 2 of them having birthdays at beginning of June so they were 4

When you start school it is either kindergarten or prep, it’s crazy it depends on the state you live in. Where I went to primary school it was kindergarten. When I finished primary school we moved to another town in the next state but just on the other side of the border and they call it prep 🙄.

I know you guys are on Summer vacation at the moment so schools on their big break if I’m right?
I’m not sure how long you have off but our summer school holidays is 6 weeks. Last day is end of December and they usually start back end of January as we have Australia Day on 26th January.
The age a child starts can depend on the schools where they live. In our area, kids had to be 5 before Sept. 1, & my older son was born on the 28th. Despite being academically ready first grade, he couldn't even start kindergarten until he was 6 due to that. This made him a year older than many classmates. My younger son was born in August, & didn't have this problem.
Some regions here have combined grades 6-8 into "middle school"--others have kept 7 & 8 as junior high school, and grades 9-12 are high school. Summer break is about 2.5 months long.
First day back to school for my kids today!
Had them masked up and out the door on time.
Then the big yellow angel 🚌 came and I could feel the freedom 😃
Thanks to all the teachers!
Hi Heavy Kevy,
I wish you and your kids only the best for the new school yr. Personally I think you are playing
it smart having the kids wear a mask. Don't be surprised if they shut down school every now and then
depending on where you live. If the virus breaks out in the school students are to stay home for 2 wks.
for safety. I don't know what it's like in your area but where I live in central NY a lot of schools are hurting
for teachers because they either retired or are refusing to come back to school do to the virus.
I wish you and your family only the Best and May God Bless All of You!

Hi Folks,

I am one happy person now. Today (June 25th) I finally retired from working in public school after 35 yrs.
You know you are getting old when your first students are 52 and 53 yrs. old and some of them are grandparents.
It will be great not having to get up early and go to work especially in the winter months.

I wish all of you only the Best and May God Bless You,

That’s wonderful! I hope you’re enjoying your part time work. It’s such a shame how poor our health infrastructure is. The cost of medical care and insurance never ceases to amaze me.

Also, thank you so much for working through the pandemic!! I tried homeschooling my kindergartener last year due to Covid and ended up putting her back into public school during the last trimester. The classroom environment was so crucial for her. I was just no replacement for her teacher and peers.

Unfortunately, I agree that schools have turned into more of a business than an education system. It’s certainly not what I remember. Statistics and funding sometimes seem more important than actual educational success. Nevertheless, I’m completely grateful for public schooling and all the teachers hard at work!
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