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It's been a while but everything is back on track :)

I've finally got my mental health controlled to where my clinical psychologist said at our next appt she should be able to send a letter to the Dr to sign me off to say I wont need to speak to her any more.

I spoke to the neuro psychiatrist last week and she was happy with how I am, no changes in meds and they've increased my follow ups from 3 months to 6 months.

I spoke to my neurologist Today, my seizures are currently well controlled. But I was having a lot of headaches, he was monitoring my migraines / bad headaches.
He's changed the migraine med they had me on from one that wasn't long lasting to one that lasted all day.
No changes in my seizure meds.

I start a new job on Wednesday, its a part time Admin position 3 days a week. I met the employers 2 weeks ago, they were lovely and it's a totally different environment to what my last job was. I got it through the disability agency I'm through so they are aware of my health issues so that is not an issue.
I could've started last Wednesday but I had to go to my parents place so they were nice enough for me to start this week.
I had a seizure on the 10th of this month which was the 1st one i had since September. I wasn't concerned but had a post seizure migraine on 11th, it ended with a headache on Tuesday.
I'd mentioned it to the neuro but it was only 4 seizures since our last appt in July which is awesome compared to 1 -2 a month.

I started my new job on Wednesday, everyone is lovely and so far loving it. It's long hours but only Wed - Fri so i spent Saturday sleeping.
Great to hear!
Make sure you’re still getting plenty of sleep.

My 86 year old father still (yell’s) reminds me. “Hey, you’ve been going all day. Why don’t you go sit down”.
Great to hear!
Make sure you’re still getting plenty of sleep.

My 86 year old father still (yell’s) reminds me. “Hey, you’ve been going all day. Why don’t you go sit down”.
I am now getting to bed by 9:30 as I'm up by 6am to get to the bus stop. I get up so i have enough time to have a quick breakfast then give myself plenty of time to walk to the bus stop.

I'm making Saturdays rest days lol, I had a nap / sleep saturday. went to bed at 9:30 and woke at 2:00. Dont do that unless im not well.
It will probably take me a couple of weeks to get used to working again since I havent worked for 8 months
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