Weirdest thing...

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Oh my goodness lol. Well he apparently was tired or just used to them huh?

Oh yeah, having at least a dozen per year--probably more--he is VERY used to them. LOL! :paperbag: Oh, and he probably was tired, but that's more of a perpetual thing with him. LOL!
Haha probably shouldn't laugh but it's what you have to do in these kind of situations :L i think the most embarrassing for me was probably the first time it ever happened, i was at school and started to feel weird but didn't know what it was so carried on and went into a complex partial in the corridor - luckily one of my teachers saw me and took me into their room but also didn't know what was going on and all i did was wander around saying it's to fuzzy :L didn't even remember seeing her until she told me the next day :L
That would be weird--can't imagine. I always remember mine, except for the times I have them in my sleep.
One time I took a popsicle from the freezer and refused to eat it and let it melt all over me. and then came back to wonder why I had just a stick and orange goop everywhere.

I've walked out of my room naked more than once in a fuzzy state

hmm I'm sure theres more I just don't remember
Can you have a complex partial without having a simple partial first? I was just thinking I wonder if I would remember the seizures if I didn't have the auras...
I think so not positive , i never remember mine, kind of happy though because simple partials freak me put enough
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