What `moments` have you had after a seizure?

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Once, I told the paramedic I was 5 years old for some reason :eek:

Another time I was in my car and apparently after having a seizure, started looking for the TV remote in it :eek::eek::eek:
I was in college, and staying over with my girlfriend at the time that did know I had e. It was 4 in the morning and I was having pretty strong auras. I knew I was a going to have a seizure pretty soon, but didn't want to reveal it to her. So I got out of bed and went to sleep in her shower, curtain closed.

Coming out of postical sleep, I wake to the horrified look of her roommate, who obviously was about to use the shower. I scramble to my feet and ask where my girl is and her roomate says, "She went to class an hour ago!" I think the roommate may have been one wrong move from calling security, but I left...hoping that she just thought I was a sloppy drunk.
My college roommate said I sat up in bed one night and said perfectly clearly, "Well, you had to have been there.", and then went back to sleep.
Luckily for me my college roommate was pre-med.
When I started coming out of a seizure once my husband asked me who he was. I called him by the cats name and kept insisting that's who he was.

Just the other day after a seizure I thought he was a woman.

My poor husband usually gets the best of them.
Valeri, your hubby is a keeper.

One time I came to in a post-ictal and hung over state after a rowdy all night house party.
This was in my just out of college and pissed off at the world because I just started having seizures so I think i'll party my ass off so I don't have to think about it phase of life.
So I come to in a spare bedroom and realize that there is some guy in the bed with me with his arm draped across me. No clue who he was.
I had that little moment of wondering, "Did we or didn't we?"
I still had my knickers on so I figured we didn't and he was too passed out to have done anything if he had tried. I wonder if he even noticed I had a seizure. To this day I have no idea who he was.
According to my dad, coming out of my first ever seizure and only tonic clonic, I started counting by two's, but I started about 12, then 14 16 18...and then jumped up to an odd number like 35. :D I never was very good at math. :P
looking for my glasses with my contacts in

How about when you are looking for your glasses when you have your contacts in if you're not having a seizure? I've done this quite a few times. I couldn't figure out why I could see so well, because I'm almost blind, and had an easy time finding them. What does that mean? :ponder:
post tictal psychosis, same thing has made me wander out into traffic while looking for my glasses. because habit is if they are not on my face is to find them.
Not a typical post seizure moment, I don't have them. But a very strange Déjà vu siezure.

I am in the future, looking back at my present self. This is very confusing, since I don't know if I am the person in the future, or the present person. The Déjà vu part consist of me, remembering my present, from the future. Extremely confusing.

I guess you had to be there...
I don't know anyone...and talk like Linda Blair somewhat off "the Excorcist"...Im angry and usually say stupid things and hurtful things to anyone that tries to "control" me after a seizure....last one I had, I threw my phone in anger across the room and started yelling at my family because"no one ever answers the phone" ...my cookbooks are always used for pillows and if you try to tell me otherwise I will bite your head off....talk about sleeping with 7 people in the kitchen....and usually I have this deranged look about me...totally flipped off my whole family for calling the ambulance and cussed them the whole time..totally possessed I'm telling you! I can't imagine what I would be like if I had seizures every other day or week even....
Just as I was coming out I was convinced I was Batman. My poor fiancee was like 'Seriously what is your name?' "Batman" "What's you're real name" "Bruce Wayne" "Can't be you're a girl" "When'd that happen?" -.- Poor thing was scared to bits, and I have no recollection of it, other than her giving me (playful) crap that I was convinced I was Bruce Wayne.
My college roommate said I sat up in bed one night and said perfectly clearly, "Well, you had to have been there.", and then went back to sleep.
Luckily for me my college roommate was pre-med.

Lol, that's pretty random. . .

I know it's not funny, but it kinda is -- just the randomness of it.

I've done the same thing: say things in my sleep under nocturnal seizures and paralysis.
During one of my recent seizures in Wal Mart I started to take off my shoes and socks.
Also during some seizures if I'm asked who the president is I'll start naming Reagan's entire cabinet
There's been times when I've had a cup of coffee or tea in my hand while at work and dropped it spilling it all over me and the floor.
The most embarrassing was when I had a complex partial sz. at work and walked out of the classroom and when I came out of the sz. I was in another teachers class and I asked the teacher "Where's my purse?" I felt like a jerk after I realized what had happened and my purse was right in the classroom I walked out of. Wishing all of you only the best and May God Bless You!

I always have a lot of fear in post ictal, lots of hugging whichever stranger found me, asking EMT’s and Flight Attendants for hugs [emoji847]

My favorite is when I woke up knowing that I was supposed to be working, so I called my boss. We’ve always had an emergency plan that he’d call my son (my boss is on the other side of the country), which he was trying to do... the next day I looked at my call history- I had called him 6 times in one minute! He kept telling me to hang up so that he could call my son to come get me, but I just kept on calling 🤣

Thanks to all of you for posting! It’s nice to laugh about this sometimes!

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I've told people after a seizure when they ask me if I know where I am that I'm on the floor.

My favorite was giving a bystander my own phone number when they asked if there was anyone they could contact to let them know that I have had one
Had a short absence seizure on a ski lift once (fortunately my friends on the chair with me got me to a point of enough awareness to unload) and when we were unloaded & I started strapping in they held me by the shoulders & started asking me questions like "What's my name" "Where are we" but I wasn't quite back to reality yet. When one of them asked me "How did we get here?"(meaning who drove) I confusedly pointed at the ski lift and said "That?"
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