What to get your guy for Valentines Day?

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What are some good suggestions of something to get your guy for Valentines Day? It isn't like Christmas or a birthday so I know it doesn't need to be something big. For Christmas/Valentines day he's getting me a medic alert bracelet. I know he doesn't want anything big but I want to get him alt least something. Ay ideas?
Hi Val,

If he likes to go out to eat you can get him a gift card for his favorite place to eat. I do that for my husband. He likes going
to steakhouses. Now if you want to be like me and joke around find some boxer shorts with hearts on them. I did that many
yrs. ago when I was only married for a couple of yrs. and my husband turned as red as the hearts on the boxers.
What you could do is wait a few days before or after Valentine's Day and surprise the gentleman with a nice candlelight dinner
and music playing in the background.
I wish you the best of luck and May God Bless You,

If he likes to go out to eat you can get him a gift card for his favorite place to eat. I do that for my husband. He likes going
to steakhouses. Now if you want to be like me and joke around find some boxer shorts with hearts on them. I did that many
yrs. ago when I was only married for a couple of yrs. and my husband turned as red as the hearts on the boxers.

I think I'm going to get him a gift certificate to a restaurant that we like. He really likes to eat lol

We had been joking around about getting him a goofy pair of Valentines undies. If I can find a pair I like I'm going to do that too.
These are the best-ever Father's Day gifts that can easily be for valentines. He LOVES them.

Silly what-to-wear weather station like this. The one we had was a woman who stripped down to her bikini on hot days. Can't find that particular one though.

He loves to bbq so I got him a Bluetooth meat thermometer. You can check the temp of your meat on your phone and can even tell you when your meat is done, all on your phone. Here in Texas we do a lot of briskets, turkeys, and pork butts that cook for a long time. I guess if you're only doing steaks or burgers that don't cook very long it might not be very beneficial. 🤪

That sounds like a great gift for some of my family members!
I went shopping today and I got him a gift certificate for a place that he likes to eat. He loves gold fish crackers and I saw a huge box of them and I got it. He's getting a card from the cats too.

I wanted to get him some undies too but I couldn't find any.

Thanks everyone!
His birthday is coming up in a month so now I have to go through all this again!

I'm going to really pay attention to things he says he wants!

Thank again everyone!
We did a cooking class once. Haven't given this valentines a thought. Maybe I'll buy myself some valentines undies, he'd love that! ;)
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