What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

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All of us have dreams. Some become reality…and some stay in our imaginations.

For me, writing was my ”dream”. And it became a reality when I discovered a way I could write without starving.

Not with photography. Although I was enthusiastic about it (and pretty good…I even taught 5th graders, which was a blast), I knew I’d never be a Brassai or Ansel Adams.

Third, there was the dream of becoming a ballerina. No competition for Margot Fonteyn, because when I twirled and swirled, the result was not pretty…passed out on the floor. (I had epilepsy, but that didn’t diminish my dream.)

How about you? What have you dreamed — or achieved — beyond your wildest dreams?
If I knew I couldn't fail, what would be the point.
The risk is part of reason for doing things for some people.
I am ok with knowing there is a chance I might be lying on the side of the road at some point today, but there is a chance I might get to watch the sunset.

my dreams were all simple: marriage, children, and getting a driver's license. Didn't happen for me , but am finally living a dream . I am a bead embroidery artist, never thought that was in the cards!
writing is something I've always wanted to do .
I'd write those books about my life with E and my family.

I'd write poetry and songs and I'd travel get a license adopt children three .

Belinda, just like Stormydys, I bet you could either find your passion or put your passion for writing to work.

I have epilepsy and I've been a writer for 32 years. The secret to writing is to do it every day. You may hate the stuff and dump it. Or you make like it enough to edit it and go on.

But you can do it...I have complete faith in this.

Give it a try for a few hours a day and see what happens.
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I'd write poetry and songs and I'd travel get a license adopt children three .


Like you, I have epilepsy, had a failed brain surgery, had the VNS surgery, and still have seizures. But I also have two now grown children, one married, one going to Boston University studying to be a lawyer, have traveled across the U.S. and overseas and write poetry and am currently writing my own story.

None of us are invincible and will fail at something from time to time. The secret to success is trying and trying again.

~Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.~
by Abe Lincoln
Cint,Phylis Thank you for the encouragement with my writing.I do have a lot of my writing
on a 3 inch disc and I need go look for it again ask my husband if there is anyway to save it on the computer I have no idea?

I'm going to look for that disc today.

Phylis I didn't find the disc but I will start back tonight.
It won't be much though.

I'm typing with a hurt right index finger.

Belinda, I wish I could hug you right now for assurance.

Of course it won't be lots right now, but you know as they say, "A journey begins with a single step."

And just taking that single step is a triumph.

So start flexing those fingers, girl!!!

Thanks for the story an dI'm glad there is some hope out there for people that are refractory even though it wasn't me till I had my pacemaker.

(a)abort (b)fail (c)retry (d)throw computer against wall

southern &proud of it


I'm happy for anyone that gets control of there seizures.

(a)abort (b)fail (c)retry (d)throw computer against wall

southern&proud of it.

Have you ever had a relative ask you not to have a seizure?

I was at a family reunion once and had a cousin ask me not to have a seizure.
I'd know this cousin since I was like 10 years old. He'd been seeing me having seizures since than.
This day he walks up to me and ask me not to have a seizure amd I tell him if it was up to him I'd never have another one.
(a)abort (b)fail (c)retry (d)throw computer against wall
southern&proud of it.
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