the person below me

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Just cellphones, other electronics I can deal with.

TPBM - has broken someone elses cellphone on purpose.
No, but I've thought about it. Particularly when people are texting while walking and run right into you and then look at you like it's your fault.

TPBM has friends they like more than their relatives
No, I've got the hockey game on. Need to see something happy instead of sad, even though my team is loosing.

Got their winter clothes out.
Not yet. It's Dallas, haven't come close to a freeze and the trees still have their leaves..

Tpbm is already in pajamas.
Yep, I've been in them for a few hours now.

Hates it when they step on their pet.
I feel bad for my pet. Wish they didn't get underfoot..

Tpbm has been to Europe.
No, the only alcohol in the house is beer.

Is going to bed soon.
Not me, I'm still enjoying beer and don't plan to stop yet. :roflmao:

Tpbm had Chinese food this week.
No, but almost. I ordered Chinese instead. :roflmao:

Tpbm just yawned but doesn't want to go to bed yet.
Nope, still got the same one I've had for a good many years.

Had a wild and crazy night last night.
No, last night was resting up after Friday night. And he's coming over again tonight. You see, when you get old, every other night is about enough. :)

TPBM is old enough to know better but young enough to do it anyway.
nope hate it bad sports weekend when husband hogs tv watch it I have clear off watch another tv

having problems sleeping gets up to early
Nope, this "early bird" also happens to be a "night owl" lol

TPBM - is enjoying the nice mild weather so far.
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