
  1. A

    Bought a golfcart for some wheels!

    In an effort to be as independent as possible and to paint where and when I please (well, within reason :) ) I called various governement agencies to include the local DMV, the police and sheriff's dept, and the state DMV. All gave me the go ahead to drive an electric golfcart because, as my...
  2. M

    CREATIVITY. Ideas and Information sort by British Artist Andrew Carnie.

    hi I am Andrew Carnie, a British artist. I often work with scientists on matters neurological to produce work. I am currently working on a project, with a grant from the Arts Council UK on epilepsy and creativity, with Paul Broks a neuro-psychologist from Plymouth in the UK, author of a...
  3. morgan381

    epilepsy linked to creative ability?

    I read somewhere that epilepsy has been indicated in creative and artistic ability. For example, Vincent van Gogh. I know I've seen some poetry and talk of photography, so I was wondering how many of you have a knack for these kind of things. Personally, I have no artistic ability...even my...
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