
  1. R

    Focal to bilateral

    I’ve been looking for research or trials or anything related to the chance of focal seizures spreading to bilateral tonic clonics. I’ve had this happen twice in the past year after having around 20 years of only the focals. Since the last tonic clonic, I’ve had 7 focal seizures (all this month)...
  2. Eggbertx

    Seemingly regular seizures (also experiences w/ vinpocetine)

    I had another seizure this morning in the shower. Luckly, I was almost done and had a really powerful aura, so I was able to quickly finish up and lie down on my bed before the seizure hit me. I've noticed that I seem to have a seizure every four to five months on average, and looking at my...
  3. M

    New to epilepsy

    Hi all! I am a mom to ten kids, ages 24 to 7. We have a charmed life and I didn't even know it! None of my other kids have had any medical condition more serious than ear infections, brace and broken arms. My sweet baby boy had his first seizure 4 3 years ago. It seemed to be an isolated...
  4. M

    Newly diagnosed with Tonic-Clonic Seizures, kind of scared

    Hello, I am new to the forum, and would like some insight. I have only had 3 seizures, although all 3 were pretty severe they were spread with 12 or more month intervals, with the most recent only a week ago. The first two were pretty much swept to the side, with no diagnosis or treatment after...
  5. I

    Coping with conic-clonic seizures (and post-ictal memory loss?)

    I had my first tonic-clonic seizure last thursday. Actually, it was my first known seizure ever, although I have experienced the same aura numerous times in the past without anything coming of it. It was very strange for me. I was there one moment, gone the next. When I was finally coming out...
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