
  1. edepew151

    Suggestions for alternative treatments? PLEASE!!!

    Alright guys, I really need your help and opinions here. I have had partial and tonic clonic seizures for 13 years, and tried tons of meds in even more combinations and doses. If I miss one dose of my meds, I'm guaranteed to have a tonic clonic that day. My new doc was thinking I could have...
  2. C

    What do I do when he's having a long partial?

    Hi, some here may know that I have a developmentally disabled son who has been having partials every day for the past 10 days. The neuro prescribed additional medicine (Keppra) and he just doubled my son's dose yesterday. So, my son is taking 500 mg of Dilantin and 2000 mg of Keppra now. My...
  3. P

    [Research] Epilepsy & Migraines — Kissing Cousins

    A strong relationship between migraines and epilepsy has long been suspected. But now it is fact, according to extensive research cited by Steven Karceski, MD in Practical Neurology Magazine. People with epilepsy are more than twice as likely to develop migraine headaches as those without the...
  4. S

    Photosensitive Epilepsy Treatment?

    Hey there, I was wondering how the drugs for people with photosensitive epileosy work, i understand that the intention of the epilepsy drugs is to reduce seizures, however if thats the case, how do the photosensitive epilepsy drugs work, do they prevent you from having seizures around flashing...
  5. J

    Next Steps

    I have tonic-clonic seizures since 16 which were mostly controlled by meds for several years. Switched meds in 2006 after some breakthrough seizures, from carbatrol to keppra to lamictal, which finally worked (though it brought with it increased insomnia and lovely migraines). Now I'm starting...
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