4th time, and hopefully the last.

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Reaction score
I'll preface this post by saying I'm completely exhausted. Please excuse any typos, sentences that may not make sense, missing or extra words. :eek: :loco:

Today, I was at the hospital for my post surgical (9 months) neurophsych test. I knew what to expect as it was my fourth time! As we began chatting, the head of the department joked that I could probably administer the testing by now. :roflmao: Some of the things that we were going to focus on based on our conversation were my own focus&concentration, spatial awareness, and memory. Before starting, I requested to quickly go to the washroom, as not going would certainly impact my ability to focus and concentrate after drinking a large cup of coffee!

While unplanned, we immediately got a bit of insight about my spatial awareness abilities, as I got lost coming back from the bathroom, then walked right past the office, twice!! She thought I'd skipped town, after not returning for 10 minutes!

5 and a half hours of testing (with a lunch break in the middle), I was able to get a bit of instant feedback. I've requested a more thorough report just to appease my own curiosity, and to better explain it to people who always ask how much has changed. It's all so interesting to me and others, after having parts of my brain removed twice.

The highlights are as follows:
  • My memory has dipped a little since the second pre-surgery test, but scores were already below average. Biggest memory loss came after surgery #1.
  • Scores were lower in the spatial awareness category compared to before surgery #2, but that was evident even before the test ;) As well, completely expected, based on the seizure focus this time.
  • Speed scores have decreased, taking me longer to recall, react and respond. This, I've noticed, as has a friend.

Otherwise she's quite happy, as am I; as I've told everyone since surgery, my main focus was freedom from the seizures, and today was day 289. She commended me on my obvious involvement with my local epilepsy organization, as I was 'escorted' to my appointment by their Director of Adult Services. :bigsmile: I'd been contacted on Wednesday about a little project we're working on, and we met at the hospital prior to my appointment to discuss. :secret:

I'm looking forward to getting the completed report. Can someone remind me to follow up with her if I haven't received in the next 3 weeks? I might forget! :)
i'll remind you love!! or will i forget too :ponder: :roflmao:

so nothing too surprising, all lower but were low to begin with, so no levels going from 'good' to 'uh-oh.' after one surgery it's pretty expected to be recalling and reacting less than usual, and esp. now that you've had two and your hippocampus is now completely gone. i'd say you're doing pretty damn good.
which reminds me, was just mentioning you to someone today re: how quick you got back to work and the type of job you have and you're already at 9 months etc.
they were pretty excited knowing that's how this can go for us, saying 'good for her!'

:hugs: and :hi5: my girl!!!
Thanks Nat! I'm definitely not disappointed at all. It was, however, good to get some confirmation of the things I'd reported to the surgeon during our follow-up appointments.
which reminds me, was just mentioning you to someone today re: how quick you got back to work and the type of job you have and you're already at 9 months etc.
they were pretty excited knowing that's how this can go for us, saying 'good for her!'

Jerry, and another good friend always joke that I'm smarter than most people they know, even with what's missing. I think I'm doing pretty damn well, too. You didn't tell her any bad things about me, did you?! :P
Love and :hugs: right back to ya!
ha what bad things would i have to say now, hmmmm?

oh crap right i forgot about that night... :roflmao:
It's nice to get a decent report card for your brain. Maybe not perfect, but excellent in all the ways that truly matter -- wittiness, smarts, soul. (Getting lost is no fun, but keep in mind that most hospitals are very poorly-designed for spatial orientation.) And now you've graduated right? Though you might go back for a class reunion or two?

class reunions are great for that... you realize just how well you're doing after seeing a few other people. and jerry's right... mel is smarter than the average person even after 2 surgeries. you'd be the ball of the party girl!
...and i can say this first hand as we've spent time together ;)
also mel... :wave:

happy day 290 seizure-free to my girl!!!!! such a fighter.
omg only 10 more to go until day 300 and ONLY 65 MORE DAYS until you're 1-YEAR SEIZURE-FREE. can't wait!!!!!!!!!

:clap: my hero X a million ;)
Hey Mel.
Glad the results weren't to bad, you'll have to let us know the results when you get the full report :).

Before starting, I requested to quickly go to the washroom, as not going would certainly impact my ability to focus and concentrate after drinking a large cup of coffee!

While unplanned, we immediately got a bit of insight about my spatial awareness abilities, as I got lost coming back from the bathroom, then walked right past the office, twice!! She thought I'd skipped town, after not returning for 10 minutes!
Sorry but I had to smile when I read that you got lost at your appt, glad you found your way back :).

I'm hopeless when I go to the hospital where I had my surgery & where the epilepsy clinic is because you can beat every time I'll forget where I'm going.
The hospital is 6 levels high, the neurology ward & where my epilepsy nurses office is on the 6th level & the outpatients where the epilepsy clinic runs is on the 3rd level.

Whenever I go to the clinic I go up to see my epilepsy nurse 1st & always forget which way I have to go when I get of the lift lol, the out patients isn't as bad because there is a line which you follow. My Mum has come to all my epilepsy appts in the past & she usually remembers the different parts of the hospital. I'm going down on my own this year so it will be interesting to see if I can actually remember which way I have to go :paperbag:

First let me say :clap: Well done and congratulations you deserve this and more. I am glad things went the way you thought they would although getting lost, hm need to think about that one, :roflmao: you did say in a hospital. I am with Jerry on this one you are smarter than you let on and shy. You deserve this :dancing: and do not forget it, you do not need reminding your just being nice as usual.

Sorry but I cannot leave qtowngirl out you are two fantastic people who deserve this and more and please Ladies no more about those nights, its just not right what you did. :roflmao: Be good Ladies.
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