Hi Folks,
For those of you that have ever been on vimpat you may know how it can put the weight on you and that is what has happened
to me. I have been looking into trying over the counter keto pills and I was wondering if any of you have ever tried them. I want
to get rid of the extra weight before the holidays come. I'm finding it's a lot harder to get rid of the weight because I'm also older
(61) now so my metabolizim isn't as fast as it used to be.
Thanks for your time and help and I wish all of you only the best. May God Bless You,
For those of you that have ever been on vimpat you may know how it can put the weight on you and that is what has happened
to me. I have been looking into trying over the counter keto pills and I was wondering if any of you have ever tried them. I want
to get rid of the extra weight before the holidays come. I'm finding it's a lot harder to get rid of the weight because I'm also older
(61) now so my metabolizim isn't as fast as it used to be.
Thanks for your time and help and I wish all of you only the best. May God Bless You,