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Hello, I am new to the forum, but wanted to start a thread on Seizure Auras (which is what the various strange experiences preceding a seizure are called as i have recently learned) not to be confused with the very different notion of people who believe they see energy fields around things. I was wondering if anyone would like to share their experiences here, my own have been intensely strange. i would also like to make the way open for any other sort of anomalous experiences which any of you might have with some regularity. I just want to get a picture of how deep this rabbit hole actually goes so that if any of my own weirdness gets worse in the future i can avoid being overly shocked by it.

well have at it. :)
can only speak for my Son as I dont have E.

Just before disapperaing into T/C (day time omes), often sees Smurfette.

out at dinner one night, one of our friends said to him. I see a Smurfette at end of our table, i.e meaning me his Mum...kinda freaked me out - I do have the hair do...but still :(
Hi FG,

My aura was usualy a very strange dream, my head would feel a bit weird (sort of heavy) & I would usually get this feeling of wanting to go to the toilet (I never lost control of my bladder but instead would walk to the toilet). My auras were often followed by a complex partial. Usually I would remember the start of the dream & wanting to go to the toilet then not remember anything until I came out of the seizure.

The dream I had was strange in the way that I would only ever remember what the dream was about when I had an aura so when I had that dream come in my head I knew it was probably an aura. I have had epitiologists/neurologists ask me to describe the strange dream I had during an aura. All I ever remember was that the dream may have had something to do with going somewhere but no idea where.
Hi FG,

My aura was usualy a very strange dream, my head would feel a bit weird (sort of heavy) & I would usually get this feeling of wanting to go to the toilet (I never lost control of my bladder but instead would walk to the toilet). My auras were often followed by a complex partial. Usually I would remember the start of the dream & wanting to go to the toilet then not remember anything until I came out of the seizure.

The dream I had was strange in the way that I would only ever remember what the dream was about when I had an aura so when I had that dream come in my head I knew it was probably an aura. I have had epitiologists/neurologists ask me to describe the strange dream I had during an aura. All I ever remember was that the dream may have had something to do with going somewhere but no idea where.

Your aura sounds similar to one of mine, except most of the time mine stay as simple partials. I also get the feeling of dread/anxiety, butterflies in my stomach, and deja vu. But I do consider the "dream like" ones to be pretty severe - it's like I'm almost taken somewhere else. And then comes the other funny feelings, and then it's over (most of the time!)
I get Tessellations in the morning both before i open my eyes and afterwards for about 5 minutes. generally they are tessellations on a hyperbolic plain ( I know what to call them owing to my background in art). I can;t post links or I would post some examples but you can all Google "hyperbolic tessellation" if you want some examples. I also don;t see this "blackness" people tell me they see when they blink I don;t ever see it it's all vivid clear pictures, of some beach i saw when I was 2 1/2 or the sun glancing off the steering wheel as my mother drove our old station wagon when i was 8 or something like that.

IDK if these are auras or what, they go on all the time. I can only seem to lucid dream also, that is I am never not aware that i am dreaming, I always know that I am asleep and i always know that i am dreaming. I get noise in my head also, like all the time. it's like if a radio station didn't totally come in and several others overlapped it and you could almost make out what was being said but not enough to understand it.

Does anybody else deal with this stuff or any combinations of these things?
is this Epileptic activity that just doesn't completely evolve into a full blown TC?
I'd really like to know. I've stayed quiet about it all for the bulk of my life because I didn't want people judging me.

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The "radio station" noise in your head may be a form of tinnitus. Many things can cause tinnitus, including head injuries, TMJ, and medications, but folks with epilepsy often experience a seizure-like variation called "Tinnitogenesis". Since it's related to neuronal issues of inhibition and excitation, it often responds to anti-seizure meds. More info here:

Thank you. i am reading the page you link to now while I type this reply. I knew what tinnitus was and I get that also sometimes but I didn't realize it was connected to epilepsy. I haven't had any head traumas though, we really don't have any idea what brought it on.
Won't be taking meds but thank you for the suggestion. Personal choice you know.
I read some other stuff just now about tinnitus being manageable with music so I'll probably just plug in and live with a pair of earphones on. :)
I'll let you know how that works out .
Hi Futureghost,
I have had simple partials for 18 years and must say this hit the nail on the head more than anything else I've read. I love this article, this doctor really knows his stuff.

Invaluable article on Simple Partials (auras):

i just read the link above and that was very informative, i didnt ever remember having aura's but i think my 5 year old does and i believe it is a fear or scared reaction that he get s if he has fits up to 1-2 mins but then if its only up to a minute he grins his head off and becomes manic and hyper.

its so interesting because i would love to know what he sees when he's grinning:)
My 7 year old daughter has aura's almost daily. She currently has added Keppra to her meds to help control them. It is working so-so. Before her Tonic Clonic she would tell me she would see puppets with no ones hand inside them and she would be scared! Now when she has them, she tells me she can't remember what her thoughts were and she is still scared and just wants to lay down afterwards. They usually last 30 seconds or so, sometimes longer. I have noticed that she is just staring when she has one, almost like she is intensely watching something! Her pupils get very big during them also.
is this a new thread??
I've seen you before.
what year is this?
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