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:agree:Deeds, I really applaud your good sense to make your executive decision and I am crossing my fingers that the next steps go well.
:hugs:Thanks, I have purchased the books you are talking about. Very interesting.
I have been having wicked seizures this week, I had to lower my Dilantin since it was 134.
After a few weeks, they were 90 but tonight they were 40.
I don't know how that happened. I fell and hit my head this morning and I had to get a CT scan to make sure no concussion.
This is exhausting.
Must be beautiful in Hawaii
Other resources that are geared towards adults that might help.Deeds,
Do you have Ketosticks? You should be able to get them at the pharmacy. Seizure control didn't really kick in for me until I was at 40 or 80. I had good control at less than 20 carbs a day. I didn't keep track of ratio, but I was at 2:1 or 1:1. The diet worked for me as far as seizure control, but I needed a lot more help. Get a nutritionist and use KetoCalculator. Give the Charlie Foundation a call. It's important because disaster can ensue. My body couldn't handle all the fat and protein, with a lack of other nutrients. John's Hopkins runs an adult keto clinic.
Tell them to stuff it when they start trying to blame it on you.I always find, in a seizure storm the medical people are always trying to pin point something that I have done incorrectly which is totally not the case.
I am alarmed because I live alone and I keep hurting myself.I just got a delivery of some medicinal marijuana.
I think it could be of some help.
Let you know.
It is high CBD very low in THC...
I do agree with you about people with a damaged pancreas having trouble with a high fat diet. But if an imbalance of liver enzymes is caused by Celiac disease, then the best thing in the world is at least a paleo style diet. The body has an amazing capacity to heal itself if we stop assaulting it with foods that are not genetically compatible and start giving it the building blocks it need to repair health. You can't have neurological health without fat. The myelin sheaths that cover all your neuronal connections are made of fat.
I know that ketosis changes how I metabolize my meds in that I don't need as much to keep the same seizure control. I don't know specifically about dilantin. Ketosis is not some weird fringe bizarre state of being to your body. It is the most natural thing in the world. You are in a mild state of ketosis every morning when you wake up (as long as you haven't been up in the middle of the night raiding the fridge). A child is in ketosis the whole time they are being breast fed.Matthew,
Yes, I have ketostix.
Do you think the change in diet, pretty much modified atkins, as I don't measure anything, could have changed the way my body is metabolizing the Dilantin?
I am barely in ketosis, its been about a week and a half and I can't find a nutritionist who will take on this cause. I believe it needs professional guidance. I called The Charlie Foundation to see if they had a Toronto affiliate. The Children's Hospital here, Sick Kids, has a huge epilepsy /diet program but not much support for the adults.
Great! That will help your gut heal and help with nutrient absorption too. What I was suggesting that you re-think is the way you made the pronouncement that high fat leads to heart disease as surely as night follows day. Because of your pancreatic issues high fat does not work for you, but real fat (not the plastic trans fat stuff) never caused anyone a heart attack unless it was paired with a high sugar intake. It is glycation that causes the LDL particles to become damaged and oxidize. This is when they become the dreaded "bad " cholesterol. Un-glycated LDL never hurt anyone.I don't avoid fat; like I said, I am not suited for a high fat dietMy various specialists have helped me to come up with an appropriate and healthy amount of the good fats that I can consume along with omega-3 supplements. As for the paleo and mediterranean diets, I have been eating very close to these ways anyhow because I have always focused on eating only healthy, whole foods. And since having to go gluten free my diet is more "paleo" than ever lol.
:agree:Deeds -- Hope the medical marijuana has helped and that as time passes ideas about how to get good help take shape. It is hard to tolerate the truth that the passage of time all by itself is often a blessing!
real fat (not the plastic trans fat stuff) never caused anyone a heart attack unless it was paired with a high sugar intake. It is glycation that causes the LDL particles to become damaged and oxidize. This is when they become the dreaded "bad " cholesterol. Un-glycated LDL never hurt anyone.