Hi everyone,
I'm new here and am interested to know a bit more about Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. I am actually feeling quite dumbfounded at the moment as I'd never heard of it before, until recently. I have never been diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy but I relate to a lot of the symptoms. I have had pretty bad anxiety for years and have been diagnosed with panic disorder, but I also get other strange symptoms like:
I see pin points of light
I have intense de ja vu
I have intense jamais vu
But one of the things that really stands out for me, is that for over ten years I get these vertigo like episodes which only last a couple seconds but I feel really weird just before they happen, like I'm in a trance. I can't see how it's related to anxiety disorder as I don't feel anxious when it happens, in fact most of the time it happens when I'm looking at the computer screen. Also one night I swear I was sort of sleeping/half awake state and I was shaking a lot. It was really strange. Another time I woke up with a scratch down my whole body, but I had been drinking a lot, so I assumed that it was due to the drinking, though the scratch was pretty large so I was quite shocked it didn't wake me.
Anyway, last year I had a bike accident. I fell from my bike and broke my jaw. When I was in hospital I'm pretty sure they did an mri scan to see if I'd had any brain or spinal injury.(I say pretty sure, cause I was well and truly drugged up and out of it). I'm just wondering if I had an accident like that and they weren't thinking to check for epilepsy, whether it can be overlooked.
Do you think it's worth my while to see a neurologist.
Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated.
I'm new here and am interested to know a bit more about Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. I am actually feeling quite dumbfounded at the moment as I'd never heard of it before, until recently. I have never been diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy but I relate to a lot of the symptoms. I have had pretty bad anxiety for years and have been diagnosed with panic disorder, but I also get other strange symptoms like:
I see pin points of light
I have intense de ja vu
I have intense jamais vu
But one of the things that really stands out for me, is that for over ten years I get these vertigo like episodes which only last a couple seconds but I feel really weird just before they happen, like I'm in a trance. I can't see how it's related to anxiety disorder as I don't feel anxious when it happens, in fact most of the time it happens when I'm looking at the computer screen. Also one night I swear I was sort of sleeping/half awake state and I was shaking a lot. It was really strange. Another time I woke up with a scratch down my whole body, but I had been drinking a lot, so I assumed that it was due to the drinking, though the scratch was pretty large so I was quite shocked it didn't wake me.
Anyway, last year I had a bike accident. I fell from my bike and broke my jaw. When I was in hospital I'm pretty sure they did an mri scan to see if I'd had any brain or spinal injury.(I say pretty sure, cause I was well and truly drugged up and out of it). I'm just wondering if I had an accident like that and they weren't thinking to check for epilepsy, whether it can be overlooked.
Do you think it's worth my while to see a neurologist.
Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated.