Dilantin or Tegretol ??

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seizure after only missing my meds day. I went in for an MRI and sleep deprived EEG - both came back normal. I thank asked my doctor if I could go on a different medication because I was sick of the "Kepprage" that I was experiencing since going on Keppra about 4 years ago. He asked if I wanted to go back on Dilantin or try Tegretol. Since I had never heard of Tegretol, he sent in my prescription for Dilantin (which I have to pick up tomorrow).

I am wondering if anyone has been on both drugs and if you would recommend one over the other?? If you have only been on Tegretol, can you tell me if you had good/bad experience with it?

Ive been on tegretol (carbatrol) I was on it for the past 11 years, but I was taking Keppra with it too. Both of the two medications controlled my seizures very well. I never had any issues with it. I gained some weight, but not alot. Once I got off of it, I immediately lost the weight though.
I started out on Dilantin. I actually had the fewest daily side effects on it of any med, and it was also the cheapest med. But over time it started to affect my gums, and it can also be problematic for bone health, so I switched off of it, first to Zonegran, and then to Lamictal.
Please read this: My whole post is not showing in my question


I was originally put Dilantin after having my first 2 seizures (in one day). I was on that for about 6-7 yrs until until I wanted to get pregant again and want something a little safer. I was than put on Keppra. I recently had a seizure after only missing my meds day. I went in for an MRI and sleep deprived EEG - both came back normal. I thank asked my doctor if I could go on a different medication because I was sick of the "Kepprage" that I was experiencing since going on Keppra about 4 years ago. He asked if I wanted to go back on Dilantin or try Tegretol. Since I had never heard of Tegretol, he sent in my prescription for Dilantin (which I have to pick up tomorrow).

I am wondering if anyone has been on both drugs and if you would recommend one over the other?? If you have only been on Tegretol, can you tell me if you had good/bad experience with it?

hI WhyMe,
I was on Tegratol on its own for a good few years,and have to admitt i thought it was all right cant say i put on weight,but i was working in forestry so perhaps i was burning it off.Dont think i had many side effects from it to be honest,i was quite happy on it,untill i went to see the doctor and tripped going in and landed on his desk,he thought i had a mini seizure so now im on that horrible Eppillm with the Tegratol,still havnt managed to convince him otherwise,but yeah Tegratol gets my vote,it cartainly kept my seizures in check.
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I'd go with the tegretol. In general, it has a lot fewer side effects than dilantin.
My side effects to both

Allergic to prolonged sunlight

Insomnia (which led to more seizures)
I've been on Tegretol (2001-2003) and Dilantin (1999-2001). For me, Dilantin was a huge mistake, causing me to have seizures instead of controlling them. I've also tried Topamax (2003-2005) and am currently on Keppra (2005-). Keppra has been the best for me, but it all depends on who's taking it. Not too many people are controlled by the same medication.
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