Fluorescent Lights

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Does anyone have a problem when it comes to Florescent lights? I tend to get auras in Walmart when I'm there cause of the florescent lights, cause they're solar and in the summer, they dim and brighten at a moment's notice depending on if the sun is out or it's partly cloudy.

That's where I have the most aura's but other places I am shopping and the lights seem to flicker, like they do if a bulb might burn out or something. It usually only happens in certain stores so it makes me wonder if it is there lights and not me. They say florescent lights are bad for your vision and it definitely gives a poor impression of what things look like. Like they say you shouldn't put make up on under florescents cause it'll look different in natural light.
Hi, Florescent lights give me terrible headaches, but things that flicker sometimes set off a seizure. I'm new here and not sure if this helps but I wanted to say I don't think you are alone.
I found this interesting article. It says that florescent lights flicker at 60 time per second and there are a select few that notice these flickers and can cause seizures in 4% of people, maybe more if you have epilepsy so the lights do flicker all the time but most times we don't notice.


When I'm in a store with someone, I'll see the lights flicker and ask if they saw it and they didn't but I did. That's what freaks me out cause no one sees it but me. I guess I'm sensitive to it.
Walmart lighting is horrible, especially when it dims and brightens all the time in the summer. I'll walk in there and see it kind of dim and get a knot in the pit of my stomach. lol
Walmart is a popular spot for seizures for exactly that reason.
I've never been to Walmart because we don't have it here but I'm pretty sure I've read on here before that Walmart is not a great place for people with epilepsy because the fluorescent lights trigger seizures.
We have a Bi Mart store here and that store does the same thing, flickers. I see it everytime I go there. You know, I noticed in the hospital where I was many times, the lights they have in there are more shaded so it's not directly in your eyes like the light behind the beds had this cover on it enough to hide it's brightness.

I wonder if wearing sunglasses in stores like Walmart would help reduce the flickers I see. Will have to try it sometime
I can handle about 5 minutes in our local Wal-Mart before things begin to go downhill. I intentionally avoid Wal-Mart for that reason.

Wal-Mart seems like it's the only place that triggers me consistently. I can go into other places - grocery stores, Farm King, etc. - and they sometimes will trigger me and sometimes I'm fine, but Wal-Mart sets me off every single time. :/
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