Focal onset impaired awareness seizure (Complex Partial) duration

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Hi everyone!

Below is an account of a seizure I had at the gym last night, the complete course from when the seizure happened to when I was back, took around 25 minutes! Does it take this long for anyone else?

Okay, so yesterday, 12 minutes into the session, my friend started to space out. It lasted for about five minutes. He went to the chair and sat down himself for about five minutes. After the first five minutes, he started to come to his senses. When I asked him, he would reply, but he replied in a different language. After that, maybe another two minutes later, he started to realize what was going on, he said he wanted to go to the toilet. I said, no, just sit down on the chair. He sat there for another two minutes, and then after that, the conversation started to make sense. When I asked something, he would reply, but he couldn't remember anything in the last few days. I gave him maybe another four to five minutes before everything came back to him. In total, it was about 25 minutes when it started to happen, to the time he had come back to his senses.


I think he still probably wasn't fully "out of it" when he was able to answer your questions (In another language). Your friend is lucky to have been able to recognize that a complex partial seizure was about to start, & that you were there.

My complex partials occur without any aura. I have NO idea of their occurrence unless there is a witness, or something else happens. For example, I may injure myself, or find myself in another room of the house than I was in before the seizure began. Another way I might know that I had one is while watching TV, I may suddenly notice that a lot of time has passed & something completely different is on. I've burned myself severely many times, & no longer cook unless someone is home. The funniest thing that happened to me during a complex partial was that I actually changed my clothes. I had gotten ready to go out w/my mom and went to get something from my room. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the side of the bed, wearing my pajamas!
I think he still probably wasn't fully "out of it" when he was able to answer your questions (In another language). Your friend is lucky to have been able to recognize that a complex partial seizure was about to start, & that you were there.

My complex partials occur without any aura. I have NO idea of their occurrence unless there is a witness, or something else happens. For example, I may injure myself, or find myself in another room of the house than I was in before the seizure began. Another way I might know that I had one is while watching TV, I may suddenly notice that a lot of time has passed & something completely different is on. I've burned myself severely many times, & no longer cook unless someone is home. The funniest thing that happened to me during a complex partial was that I actually changed my clothes. I had gotten ready to go out w/my mom and went to get something from my room. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the side of the bed, wearing my pajamas!
Hi Sabbo,

Thank you for your response, sorry I may have not made it clear. The account of what happened was my friends account of me and I was "Out of it", I can only remember anything that was happening within that 25 minute period.

Hi Feso, welcome to CWE.

My wife has had seizures for decades and her seizure experiences have changed over those years. She definitely had periods of time where the post-ictal phase of a seizure could take 15-20 minutes or so. You are lucky to have a patient friend who realized you were still not fully conscious. My wife can appear to be fully conscious and responsive while still being post-ictal and when she regains full consciousness, she doesn't remember anything that happened while she was post-ictal (even though she appeared to be fully conscious).
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