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Welcome to the Coping With Epilepsy Forums

Welcome to the Coping With Epilepsy forums - a peer support community for folks dealing (directly or indirectly) with seizure disorders. You can visit the forum page to see the list of forum nodes (categories/rooms) for topics.

Please have a look around and if you like what you see, please consider registering an account and joining the discussions. When you register an account and log in, you may enjoy additional benefits including no ads, access to members only (ie. private) forum nodes and more. Registering an account is free - you have nothing to lose!


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In an effort to help provide context to your personal experience (or experiment) with alternative epilepsy treatments, I humbly suggest that it might be informative/helpful if you answer the following questions:
  1. What types of seizures (and how frequent) were you experiencing before starting the alternative treatment?
  2. What AEDs (medications) had you tried prior to the alternative treatment?
  3. How long did you try the alternative treatment? (Not applicable to Lobectomy or Gamma Knife)
  4. If the treatment requires active participation, how diligent were you in applying it?
  5. What changes (improvements or otherwise) occured with your seizure control with the alternative treatment?
  6. What (if any) adverse effects/events did you experience with the alternative treatment?
  7. How much did it cost you to implement the alternative treatment?
Please be honest with your answers (especially #4). :)
Alternitive treatments

Ive been on all the meds for partial complex Temprol lobe epilepsy over the past 30+ years. Ive had two thirds of my right temprol lobe removed. Nothing changed for the better untill the nerofeedback was added to my meds. I believe its a combination of Keppra, Trileptal and Nerofeedback that keeps me free.( seizurefree). Ive been keeping a journal of my Nerofeedback stuff for 11 years now so can answer most of your questions concerning my personal experince with the L.E.N.s. I would love to see someone else have the peace of mind Ive found with seizure freedom.
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