Harrison Ford's daughter Georgia Ford has epilepsy

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I do not yet have the privilege of adding links to my messages, but I read an article on MSN entitled: Harrison Ford Reveals His 26-Year-Old Daughter Has Epilepsy: 'She's My Hero'.

For me, it's always refreshing to read such articles. I feel they give the general public a little insight into the disorder, which little by little helps remove the stigma. :clap::clap:
Harrison Ford revealed that his 26-year-old daughter, Georgia Ford, has epilepsy at an event for NYU Langone Medical Center's Find a Cure for Epilepsy and Seizures (FACES) on Tuesday night.

"She is joining me to thank FACES," Ford told the New York Daily News. "I admire a lot of things about her. I admire her perseverance, her talent, her strength. She's my hero. I love her."

The Langone Medical Center's Dr. Orrin Devinsky and FACES "have been a great service to my family," the Star Wars legend added. ...

More: http://www.etonline.com/news/184095...6_year_old_daughter_has_epilepsy_she_my_hero/
Such nice man it great people like him talk about it in matter of fact way taking stigma out of it.
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Harrison Ford needs to do more than say something about E at the reveal of his daughter having E. He needs to keep speaking about E to make a REAL difference.
I sure hope that he realizes this, or his daughter asks him to!

Harrison Ford needs to do more than say something about E at the reveal of his daughter having E. He needs to keep speaking about E to make a REAL difference.
I sure hope that he realizes this, or his daughter asks him to!


Fair point.My daughters school some kids of famous people but ban put on school other parents all we knew was they there.We took guess but our kids could lost placement if we talked about it we took good guess though
Refusing To Acknowledge Child Has E

I faced this when I was young. My mother(just biologically) refused to tell anyone that I had E. I had relatives that didn't know about me having E until I told them when I was over 20 years old.
The type of parent who attempts to deny their child has a condition just by BY REFUSING TO TELL anyone about the condition is the person with the problem, NOT the child. That child needs SUPPORT from as many people as possible!
Acceptance is THE big factor!:twocents:

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in these cases one of kids went into national press on front page and life was made very difficult for the dad
Harrison Ford needs to do more than say something about E at the reveal of his daughter having E. He needs to keep speaking about E to make a REAL difference.
I sure hope that he realizes this, or his daughter asks him to!


I agree! But I am certainly grateful for the first step of acknowledgement.
Big deal Georgia Ford has epilepsy along with over two million others.
I think Harrison Ford already did what he NEEDED to do by loving, protecting and finding a great medical team for his daughter. In no way shape or form does Mr Ford owe me anything, nor is he under any obligation to be a spokesman for epilepsy just because his daughter has epilepsy.

If Harrison Ford wants to use his celebrity to advance epilepsy awareness and epilepsy research, that would be wonderful, but he NEEDS to do nothing for us.
It is good that Harrison Ford is going to events and bringing awareness to the Epilepsy since it has impacted his life. He is not really doing anything for US but he is doing it for her and himself. He doesn't want parents or their kids to go through what they went through which is no different than anyone else but he does bring a bit more attention than most.

FACES has a website with links to all the presentations in PowerPoint slides from the conference and they are interesting to go through.

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