HERO Stories

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Hi Phyllis & thanks for your msg - I understand and appreciate everything you say - I can especially relate, from personal experience, to the contents of your third para.

Take Care & Best Wishes

Life's always been a bit of a rough trot for both of us since my diagnosis.
My "Better Half" and I have had bad times, but good, rows and enjoyed the making up(!).
But she is the first person I see next to me in the morning & the last at night.

She was the only one I wanted to see when I woke in ICU causing me to threaten to discharge myself.

She's the source of my PMA and, though were comfortably off, have peace of mind & a valued & successful life, with everything we need like our wonderful kids & beautiful doggie - wev'e got here simply adopting, for each other, an attitude of sticking two fingers up to the world.

However, looking back on my journey, the one & only thing that is my inspiration is the fact that my wife has been beside me, step by step, honestly, earnestly & willingly at each pace.

I really don't need anything else!

Luvyatonsnoodlesnschnoodles, Anni!



Dear Colin
I am in tears here. This is such a beautiful thing you said. I can give the compliment right back at you, my life would have been poor without you, epilepsy or not. I am fortunate to have many things in one person: husband, father to our kids, lover and BEST FRIEND ! In times of sadness, or joy, you are the first person I run to. You make me feel safe, loved, cherished and respected, and all that even with your epilepsy. I don't need anything else, just you (and the kids and doggy). It's all I want, all I ever wanted. Together forever, now and always, step by step, you and me ! I love you with all my heart. Thank you for sharing this with the "world"...I can't believe you did this, you Schnulli. Considering you are poorly with this terrible virus going around and already asleep in bed, I wish you the fastest recovery ever so I can jump into your arms and thank you propperly for this romantic and beautiful gesture.
Yours forever
Anni xxx

BoLikkilikki !!!
light the candles and draw the blinds! sing with me brown chicken brown cow now! (70's adult film music) hee hee
My heroes are my family...My mom especially because she has NEVER given up even when I've wanted to. She has spent much of my life fighting with doctors and teachers so that I could live the life I have wanted

My sister has always been the one I can talk to when I need it...She has perfect words of wisdom that remind me to never let my seizures hold me back

My brother has been by himself when I had my seizures more than once and did everything he was supposed to do...He's the White Knight to my Dark Knight

My father is the strongest person I know

Another hero of mine is the late Christopher Reeve...He was paralyzed and is an inspiration to me because although he was faced with insurmountable odds but never let his condition hold him back...He makes me want to be a real life Superman
I want to bump this thread.
I have a very special Hero. My husband, I know many have posted the same thing but he is my best friend, the person I run to when I need someone, the shoulder I cry on, my everything. After a very bad 1st marrige he helped me remember who I was, not to run and hide when someone raised there voice, and how to be my own person again. We have been together since our first date. It took us three years from that date to sleep apart from each other for the first time. We just knew we belonged together. Dont get me wrong, we do have are bad days, we just never go to bed mad at each other.
He has been my strenght through so much. He spent a week sleeping on a chair in the hospital when I had the 24/7 EEG. The only time he left my side was to go find food that we could both stomach. He has finishes my sentences many times when I have zoned out. He has picked me up and lets me drool on him when I have pass out. He has done so much and has been there whenever and where ever i have needed him. I really do not know what my life would be like without him.
When I first saw this thread, I realized that I don't have a hero here with me physically, but every one of you here inspires me and keeps me going when I'm feeling depressed! I really am so happy to have found this forum and such kind people who know exactly what I am going through and are always willing to throw me a virtual hug! Thank you so much to everyone here who has shown me kindness and encouraging words. :-)
Same as mela I think. After I read some of these (and am sitting here weeping), I started to think who my hero would be. I don't know. I don't know that I have that 'one' person. So I'm with her, it's all of you.

I really am so happy to have found this forum and such kind people who know exactly what I am going through and are always willing to throw me a virtual hug! Thank you so much to everyone here who has shown me kindness and encouraging words. :-)

Thanks guys. And most of all to Neil, my other E Hater. Wouldn't be the same without ya.
Awwwww,shucks!!! qtown,you just brought a tear to my eye!!! The E Haters,brings a smile to my face every time i read it,missed u this wknd,hope u had a good one.Coming here for your banter,makes my day!!!
My Hero is my best friend. Her name is Jane, but I call her Grover because I met her in 6th grade, and we were both OBSESSED with the Percy Jackson books, she just kind of became my "protector"

She always there for me when I have a seizure, she was the one person who understood for 3 long terrible years, when my parents didn't quite get it yet. She stands up for me when people say &$@# about me being epileptic/having seizures. She understands and helps me when I can't help myself. She's even gotten yelled at once for helping while I had a seizure, but she doesn't stop. She set up our own little ball because she knew how sad I was about not being able to go Freshman year of High school. She's the only one that's ALWAYS been there. She's not only one that has cared enough to deal with me, or try to understand, ever since we were 10 years old. That's a lot for a 10 year old to take and deal with it for someone else, and being able to understand and actually care at so young it, it just means EVERYTHING. Every epileptic child should have a "grover."
Fair Play Starfish,
She ticks all the boxes in what a true friend should be,im laughing to myself at the moment,"heres your medication,oh and dont forget your grover!!!" Brilliant shes one friend your gonna keep for life.
I have a few Heros ok I've only been on this journey for six weeks and I have a long way too go but I just wanna thank my boss first of all he seen it start and has been there through every step where most could turn there back he's awesome,but obviously my mum too for trailing back and forth too the hospital, also all the girls at work best friends I could ever ask for,and then I found you guys and learned so much so thankyou c.w.e!!
I won't and can't forget my friends. My "epilepsy talk" family and those who have surrounded me with love, care and understanding.

They don't necessarily have epilepsy, but they sat by my side when I was dying...coma, heart attack, life support and all.

And they stood by me when I was "rebooting," a challenge for us all. But they were patient and they urged me on. (Even though it took me three months to find the keyboard!)

I could never thank them enough, my precious guardian angels.
I want to thank my son for being my hero. We both have epilepsy and we go through things together. Yesterday was his 15th birthday. I went to his school and we had a party for him. He helps me get through the day by being so funny, smart and cool. He is definitly my hero.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my beautiful mother. While other people my age do daily things by themselves, I depend on my mother to help me with things from bathing to applying creams for my eczema. I don't blame her for looking angry when I feel too lethargic to do something. Mother, I love you so much. Thank you. :)

In addition, I would also like to thank my Year 8 Science Teacher for helping me improve my level from a 4b at the start of that academic year to a 6b at the end. 2 whole levels! That is truly exceptional! I would also like to thank her for realising my potential to gain better grades. In terms of my epilepsy, I cannot stress enough how caring she was while I had her for that year. She didn't mind the fact that I sometimes went out of that class if I felt sad or irritable or angry. She even wrote a letter home saying that I was (and I quote) "an inspiration to my peers" and that I was "an exceptional student" (that's all I can remember from the letter :) ). For those of you that live in England, you may find this funny that I was in Set 3 at the time (the second lowest). I remember one lesson where for 10 mins, she let me give a summary/quiz of our trip to a cell research centre called Centre of the Cell. I miss you so much, Ms Ranchod-Shaw. :)
My mom, far, is my biggest hero. She is always willing to let me cry on her shoulder, be my chofeur, and my true guardian angel. After one of my seizures, she saved my life by giving me mouth-to-mouth. I had short-term memory loss for a month after that, and she followed me everywhere around the house for a month to keep me safe. Even now, six years later, she stays with me whenever I ask it of her. Whether I want to go to the city pool, fitting rooms, or I just don't want to be alone, she is always there for me. Always.
I do have people hero stories, but what sticks out to me is when I got up to turn on the lights but didn't realize I was having a seizure. I fell flat on my face and fractured my nose (which I found out later). I couldn't get up so I was laying in a little pool of blood from my nose for I don't know how long and one of my dogs came and lay right by my side until I was able to get up and clean myself and the floor up. While I don't have much memory of the incident I do have some, and it's of my dog lying next to me. I love that dog!

My kids are heroes to for calling 911 when I was unresponsive at my computer and they were so young when it happened, and coworkers for doing the same. Then there was a complete stranger who followed me back to my office after I'd fallen and somehow gotten myself up - this on a public street - and he knew something was wrong but was young and didn't want to freak me out but followed me back to tell coworkers something was wrong so they called the ambulance. That's the time I broke my thumb. And my parents for the times they haven't called 911! And let the seizure, or whatever, run its course. I think I might just be surrounded by heroes. The EMTs, they are amazing, or so I hear afterwards! :)
My fiancé is my hero! He has saved me from serious injury many times and death probably twice.

I once had a seizure at the top of the stairs, I (in theory, nobody actually whitenessed it) went backwards down the stairs landing on my head, I broke a vertebrae in my neck and cut my head, apparently, the vertebrae that I broke is fatal if misplaced and my partner keeping my head and neck still (even though I was in a very awkward position with my head up against one wall and my legs up the other wall) saved me from being paralysed or worse. That's just one way he has helped me. Love him so much! He has given up so much, including leaving his dream job to care for me, I could not thank him enough, although he never wants thanking. I'm very lucky to have him in my life <3
I know I answered before btbits changed sort if my boss us my hero, here's some doctors too, my mum, my kitten, and certain people at work, especially two people who stopped me falling down the stairs a few months ago that was scary
my hero would be my father.
I watched him go through the worst things in life that one single person should have; Diabetes, back surgery, three cancers and in the end dementia. He suffered so badly but kept a smile. He was always there for me and my son, would listen, offer advice and crack a joke. Even when you could see that the pain he was in was more than he could stand he NEVER complained. He was always positive he was going to beat whatever illness he had. He died 16 years later in my arms.....
I never forget his smile…
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