Level of experience

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What is the level of experience in order of how it goes

Doctor (neuro)
Nurse practitioner
Physicians Assistant
I go through a epilepsy clinic at the hospital I had my surgery so there’s a team.
My main specialist is the neurologist
The epilepsy nurse

I only have appointments with the neuropsychiatrist and neurologist and only contact I have with them is our appointments.

The neuropsychologist and epilepsy nurse are there if I need to send through information or have questions about my epilepsy which they’ll assist with by asking the neurologist and giving me the answer or helping me themselves.
The main reason for asking this is because of a bill I got.

I have a VNS and I haven't actually seen my actual neuro in almost 2 years, just the nurse practitioner. My neuro is the only one who can check my VNS, looking at the settings, changing them if needed and checking the battery.

I had a visit scheduled at the beginning of January to see my neuro. They called the day before my visit and told me that it was going to be changed to a virtual visit because of covid. The hospital's computer system crashed and I ended up having a phone visit, if that's the way to word it, with a physicians assistant.

When I got the bill in the mail it was for a visit with my neuro. I called about it because I didn't know if the copay was right because I didn't see my neuro and had a phone visit with the physicians assistant. They told me no matter who I talked to or how the visit was held I was going to be charged the same copay.

I just didn't feel this was right. I did pay the bill, I got sick of messing with them.
Sounds like it was a matter of coding (visit was input in billing as neuro visit), the hospital/med office’s policy (they want to get paid at the higher rate), and/or your health insurer’s unwillingness to listen to common sense. Worth contesting, except for the hassle. :(
I only see a neurologist for my epilepsy. We generally try to meet twice a year. The neuro department's nurse sees me first to get my vitals & general info when I go in, the doctor comes in. A different nurse was helping him a few weeks ago, & she totally freaked out when I had a complex partial while she was taking my vitals.
I go to the Epilepsy Center where they do surgery and a lot of detail
1. Epileptologist
2.Epilepsy Nurse
3. Neurophysiologist
4. Neurosurgeon
After I see all of them they all work together as a team and have a meeting about my case to
decide what is the best thing to do.
Wishing you only the best and May God Bless You,

Sounds like it was a matter of coding (visit was input in billing as neuro visit), the hospital/med office’s policy (they want to get paid at the higher rate), and/or your health insurer’s unwillingness to listen to common sense. Worth contesting, except for the hassle. :(

Thanks Nak, that sounds about right.

Somehow I managed to stay somewhat clam while I was on the phone with the woman from the billing department and not yell at her. I know it wasn't her fault but with Keppra flowing through my veins it wasn't easy.

After I got off the phone I let loose. I said that the receptionist make some good money there because after reading the 'office visit notes' it was almost like I'd been talking to her. I didn't have my blood pressure or weight taken. No type of blood work was done. I must have my VNS checked, which can't be done over the phone. I wasn't physically looked at to see if there were any problems.
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