Memory problems!!!!!!!

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I really appreciate everyone's support. My doctor is very worried about mine turning into Grand Mal. Anyways I'm having a very hard day and I feel very disheartened. I don't really want to live like this. It takes me so long to do everything. I have so much work due. It's not fair. then of course 50 First Dates was on tv.... And it's so cold.... I can't focus to save my life. I have so much work due in the next week. Thanks for the heads up.... I've been on Dilantin for about 4 months. I've heard about those irriversible effects. especially is you have babies. Thank you. I think the Dilantin isn't working but how do I know... I can't really even "see" my seizures....
Cetacean - can you tell me more about your "coming of age" story...your seizures whatever....actually I love hearing about everyone's....
My memory is pretty well shot too, sometimes going from one room to another and not knowing what I'm there for. Bad memory for names etc. I write lists and then forget where they are. I stop in the middle of sentences because i just lose it and can't get it back even with prompting. Pretty much what a lot of you guys are going through. I would always put it down to my other illness as memory problems are a symptom of that one too, but when i have a complex partial i'm unaware of it, except that sometimes there's a queer feeling or a sense of lost time, and there is also the amnesia that occurs for the time preceding and following the seizure. Does this make sense ?
Roo -
So do you get any of the fuzziness or staring off in space? this whole experience has sort of freaked me out and I feel I've become very self involved just because my neurologst can never meet with me. But I don't know about any of this...and I'm scared...I'm glad you came here. I can totally relate but you seem very even keeled about it. Do they have you on medicines? How do you know if they work? Are you allpwed to drive? I think these questions are also for everyone here. But yes, it totally makes sense.
I was trying to find something last night and was going thru my drawers. I found $150 in there! My son said that was some money he paid me and thinks it been there close to a year now! I guess sometimes we get little surprises like this from our memory lapses.
Hhaha. I do that stuff on purpose. Man I need all the help i can get. Just randomly going into my raincoat...oh wow $20!... Your right, the luck of bad memory. We get to plan our own surprises and tehy really are surprises. lol. Thank you.
I really believe short term memory is an effect due to the medication your on as well as the seizures itself. I can be starring focusing on the internet reading, and then can't comprehend what I'm reading all of a sudden. I just close my eyes and breath for 60sec. Taking deep breaths helps, but that's all you can do is be patient till it's over and goes away. The medication is just making things worse I believe, and I want to know more on the surgery. If anyone can tell me about it, or give me a website to do some research about please let me know. Thanks
my short term memory as good as it once was.When I think of something to say by the time I can say it it's gone.I think this from the meds. but I have had only two seizures in the last year so a good trade off I think.thanks and stay well
Roo -
So do you get any of the fuzziness or staring off in space? this whole experience has sort of freaked me out and I feel I've become very self involved just because my neurologst can never meet with me. But I don't know about any of this...and I'm scared...I'm glad you came here. I can totally relate but you seem very even keeled about it. Do they have you on medicines? How do you know if they work? Are you allpwed to drive? I think these questions are also for everyone here. But yes, it totally makes sense.

They tell me I go as white as a ghost, don't move & just stare. Sometimes I feel weird and sometimes I can hear talking but it's just garble and I can't respond, so I'm guessing that's probably happening as the seizure is finishing. E is a new diagnosis for me, although I think I have had it for years and it just got mixed in with my other neurological illness. I can understand completely your anxiety over such a diagnosis, as it is never nice to be told you have a neurological illness and one which could possibly last a lifetime.

I have been on medication for two years, prescribed by my other doctor. I'm into my 23rd year with M.E. but only found a doctor who specialised in it a couple of years ago. One of the meds is Lamictal which was prescribed off-list, but now my epileptologist has upped the dose and will continue to titrate up slowly.

I spend much of my time bed and housebound due to the disability of my M.E. and I don't drive because of that. Even on my better days I wouldn't drive because I knew I was loosing 'concentration' - and of course now we know that that was the 'E'.

Try to read heaps and of course keep coming to this forum as I think it will help alot to alleviate your being scared. People here have so much wisdom to offer.

It's been lovely to meet you Cerindipiti :)

take care,
I was trying to find something last night and was going thru my drawers. I found $150 in there! My son said that was some money he paid me and thinks it been there close to a year now! I guess sometimes we get little surprises like this from our memory lapses.

I had an opposite surprise once. I had been trying to save some cash to buy a new TV and when it got to a few hundred dollars I stashed it somewhere 'safe', too safe it turned out! My son came in one day to find me in tears and things all over the floor. I then confessed that I had hidden money and that I couldn't find it. He calmed me down and offered all sorts of suggestions as to where it could be. After some hours it was found YAY!

Now, do you think I can remember WHERE it was found? Not a chance.
NB thing I discovered

While struggling to handle my electronic engineering degree I went to the student counseling department and did all sorts of memory tests. It helped me out a lot. My strengths and weaknesses became crystal clear. When I discovered my weaknesses I got really confident and tried to find ways around them. I've written a blog to share my discoveries (can't post a hyperlink yet)

If anyone wants the details just ask.
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I can never remember if I've told someone something... I'm always repeating myself. Over and over...

stop me if you think you've heard this one before - my theme song. The Smiths rock.
Can relate to that Chris515. But you can keep repeating here cos chances are we will have forgotten what you said anyway:roflmao:
I just woke up from a nap and I dreamed that I was grilling for my family and everything was ready when I opened the grill well I had forgotten to put the burgers on and I ran sobbing cause no one could understand why I was so sure I had cooked them but never did. Man now I can't even remember to do things in my sleep.:roflmao:
im sorry, just how you were diagnosed and how your experience has evolved....

I'll be delighted Cerindipiti.

The story begins in the middle. In my thirties - the nineties - after much angst and toil I'd learned Japanese and gotten an MBA and a cool job at a Japanese auto co HQ, where billionaires in Europe considered it their business to return my calls within the hour.

However, it's really necessary to have a command of one's numbers, and a recall for faces, names and events to work at any company, most particularly a Japanese company. So at last in 1995 I give up the ghost and leave the co, and after a year of further fruitless entrepreneurial struggles in Tokyo, return to the US to look for help.

There is no help to be had in the US - except from my blessed brother - for a bit, before he decided I was ill because I didn't want to be well and wrought a campaign of persecution that set me homeless for the next ten years.

Fast forward past many doctors and diagnoses and a lot of desperate poverty, and we come to 2006 - my new neurologist's office. My jaw has just dropped upon hearing that the EEG turned up Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. I'd no idea. I equated "epilepsy" with grand mal seizures. (Soon after I found housing.)

So then the question "how did this happen?" comes up. I recall a bike-auto accident when I was five, and that I was knocked unconscious. Thought that was it until I talked to my Ma, who has no recollection of any bike accident but still burns with the memory of my lips turning blue after she brought me home from the pediatrician at about the same age. My doctor dad saw what was what when he came home and whisked me off to the hospital.

I had a tracheotomy that night, and all seemed well thereafter, of course, for erratic behavior and memory issues through childhood. These prompted a high school teacher to write a comment about my "unique scattered approach" that unnerved me through early adulthood, but which I eventually passed off as an idiosyncrasy. Thing is, my work life was always rocky, and my social life uncomfortable.

I've been blessed with many gifts, but I feel like a three-legged dog trying to run with the rest. I am SO eager to get over this. If. If only.

I'd thought my troubles over when I picked up my first anti-seizure meds. That was over three years ago. I had no idea I could hang on this long. Funny what life learns ya.

So that is the story. Thank you for asking.

Cerendipiti, everyone, what's your story?

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I just woke up from a nap and I dreamed that I was grilling for my family and everything was ready when I opened the grill well I had forgotten to put the burgers on and I ran sobbing cause no one could understand why I was so sure I had cooked them but never did. Man now I can't even remember to do things in my sleep.:roflmao:

We should start a thread about epilepsy-anxiety dreams. I have them too.

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