Hi everyone..I'm in need of some advice from experienced parents. My story so far.......
Approx 7 months ago my son (aged 4 1/2y at the time) experienced a tonic clonic seizure without warning and without a temperature at the time. Immediately after his temperature became raised. The hospital diagnosed a Febrile convulsion due to his temperature after the seizure and he had a cough and cold for the following week. Although he has had fevers of 102 without convulsions as a toddler.
on the 7th November 2012 without warning sitting at the dinner table he experienced another tonic clonic seizure. Temperature normal throughout. Rapid response and paramedics arrived and he had a generalised seizure in their presence, tachycardia and cyonosis (apologies for spelling). On arrival at resuss he had another generalized seizure. He was kept in over night and IV antibiotics were administered and blood tests and swabs taken for culture. We returned for the next two days for IV antibiotics but all tests and cultures returned clear and normal and he has been referred to the Epilepsy clinic.
He returned to school on the 19th November 2012 the teachers took the class into the ICT computer room. My son had another tonic clonic seizure and the school called the ambulance. Again no warning prior. The doctors have said that they believe he has Epilepsy but will need an MRI and EEG before medication can be given.
My son returned to school but since monday we have noticed some changes.
He is very tired/sensitive and moody much more than usual as if he's not sleeping although I know that he is sleeping 10 hours per night( i have not witnessed any disturbances). He is asking for food constantly saying he is hungry and is eating much more than usual approx every 2 hours.
We're currently still waiting on an appointment with the Epilepsy Clinic as we speak.
TWO of my maternal cousins from different parents are diagnosed Epileptic. My Nephew has partial seizures and is on the autistic spectrum. My Neice has been diagnosed with a genetic condition called HHT that causes abnormal blood vessels and my older sister is currently undergoing genetic testing to see if she carries the gene.
I'm concerned that my son could be having partial seizures or absenses that we haven't witnessed and that could be the reason that for the past week he's always tired and hungry??????????
I'm a single parent with no family support and really could do with a listening ear and some advice. I feel like I'm going out of my mind with worry.
Sorry for the essay and thanks for taking the time to read XXXX
Approx 7 months ago my son (aged 4 1/2y at the time) experienced a tonic clonic seizure without warning and without a temperature at the time. Immediately after his temperature became raised. The hospital diagnosed a Febrile convulsion due to his temperature after the seizure and he had a cough and cold for the following week. Although he has had fevers of 102 without convulsions as a toddler.
on the 7th November 2012 without warning sitting at the dinner table he experienced another tonic clonic seizure. Temperature normal throughout. Rapid response and paramedics arrived and he had a generalised seizure in their presence, tachycardia and cyonosis (apologies for spelling). On arrival at resuss he had another generalized seizure. He was kept in over night and IV antibiotics were administered and blood tests and swabs taken for culture. We returned for the next two days for IV antibiotics but all tests and cultures returned clear and normal and he has been referred to the Epilepsy clinic.
He returned to school on the 19th November 2012 the teachers took the class into the ICT computer room. My son had another tonic clonic seizure and the school called the ambulance. Again no warning prior. The doctors have said that they believe he has Epilepsy but will need an MRI and EEG before medication can be given.
My son returned to school but since monday we have noticed some changes.
He is very tired/sensitive and moody much more than usual as if he's not sleeping although I know that he is sleeping 10 hours per night( i have not witnessed any disturbances). He is asking for food constantly saying he is hungry and is eating much more than usual approx every 2 hours.

We're currently still waiting on an appointment with the Epilepsy Clinic as we speak.
TWO of my maternal cousins from different parents are diagnosed Epileptic. My Nephew has partial seizures and is on the autistic spectrum. My Neice has been diagnosed with a genetic condition called HHT that causes abnormal blood vessels and my older sister is currently undergoing genetic testing to see if she carries the gene.
I'm concerned that my son could be having partial seizures or absenses that we haven't witnessed and that could be the reason that for the past week he's always tired and hungry??????????
I'm a single parent with no family support and really could do with a listening ear and some advice. I feel like I'm going out of my mind with worry.
Sorry for the essay and thanks for taking the time to read XXXX