OK, I'm
going to chime in again. I have several things to say, and some of them are NOT going to be agreed with.
Yes, KINDLING does occur, that's how the brain learns to seize again and again. Please read up on it.
Reflexive seizures DO occur, quite often, and are based on a variety of different triggers. Whether it be music, food, bowels, colors or the like, they do occur, and they are not necessarily considered psychogenic, either. Especially when the physical aspects are concerned. I know several people with them.
First, my tonic clonics, diagnosed after my mother noticed "staring spells" when I was less than a year old, were classified as IDIOPATHIC, and after the GP induced one in his office, I was IMMEDIATELY put on meds. I had an EEG that day, it found epileptiform activity, and that was that. I've been on meds ever since. Later MRIs found a cyst in my brain, but that wasn't until about 10 years ago.
(Now, keep in mind, I was listed as IDIOPATHIC because there was no damage due to forceps during my birth, no cord wrapped around my neck and no family history that my mother was aware of. However, about 7 years later, she found out that there WAS a family history, and that I am probably a HEREDITARY E patient.)
My EEGs, however, have stayed CLEAR until 4 years ago, although I have had plenty of seizure activity in between---close to 50 t/c's. And the damage to my body from them is irreversible. I have broken almost every bone in my body from them, including my spine. Several times. These are NOT pseudoseizures. I do NOT remember anything, I cannot respond to anything, and I am unable to recover and be useful for at LEAST 2 days.
Over time, as I experienced deja vus as a kid, and then had my E worsen when I married and became pregnant six times, and suffered 3 miscarriages, I have developed MORE types of E. Yet, they didn't all start to show up on the EEGs until 4 years ago. Yet, I had numerous witnesses to them--including doctors, neurologists, nurses and paramedics, all of whom I scared the living wits out of, my seizures are so very violent. I REPEAT, THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEM pseudoseizures.
For me, stress, lack of sleep, and lack of meds are my major triggers. And, on top of that, gluten and dairy, as I am also a celiac patient.
At the beginning of the year, I was diagnosed with 2 more types of seizures, for a grand total of 4 types. Tonic clonic (44 years), myoclonic (8 years), electrographic & focal seizures based in the left frontal lobe (less than a year). Both the tonic clonic and myoclonic are focused too deep to get a good hold of where the focus actually is, and the damage is so bad to my body, AND my memory, that I REFUSE to go off my meds to have a t/c. It takes me YEARS to rebuild the memories that I lose from them.
Originally Posted by Rach_nc1984 View Post:
I tried my hardest but I just cant seem to give myself one. DAMN!!!
That statement is flat-out RUDE. I'm offended.
Have a good day.