Hey I'm new to this forum. After many blank stares and confused looks about my symptoms I decided to turn to you to point me in the right direction.
So here's my story:
About a year ago, I went to the hospital for amnesia. Yes, I literally could not remember the day before. I had a 24 hour memory. About 4 days later, they did an 72 hour EEG to see if I was having seizures at night and it was causing amnesia, aka resetting my memory. Nothing came back. Later figured out that I had a severe b12 deficiency and attributed the memory loss to that. With the b12 injections I've been doing better, but I randomly still have periods where I completely lose my memory just like before. Only now, I've noticed something different that I didn't before my initial memory loss.
I think I've been having simple partial seizures, and here's why...(cue confused looks lol). Every now and then, I'll feel a strange feeling coming on. Kinda scary but I know its coming. Then it hits. I will have a sense of deja vu like its a reoccurring dream that I've seen before (its always one of the same 2 or 3 "dreams"). It lasts maybe 30 seconds and it seems SO real that its alarming. After I come out of it, I feel extremely confused, I can't remember the "dream" and I'll feel extremely nauseous. I may or may not get a headache, I usually don't. These tend to come in random episodes. I'll have up to 5 or 6 of these episodes in a day for like a week or two and then months with nothing. Also, these tend to be very brief, yet so strange.
Now if you haven't written me off as crazy and you're still reading this, thank you! lol. I haven't had another EEG done during one of these series of episodes because a) the glue took out a lot of my hair last time and b) the test is pricey and my doctor has decided that its probably a case of migraines and not worth running an EEG or other scan... From what I've read migraines (even without the headache) last for hours or days whereas these only last for a minute or less.
So I guess what I'm asking is, am I having partial seizures? What are the steps in getting a diagnosis and convincing my doctor to do the appropriate test? And, has anyone heard of memory loss with seizures? I'm assuming that when I have these random phases of amnesia it was triggered by some sort of nighttime seizure activity.
Thanks in advance for any advice. I'd like to gain enough info to confidently explain to a doctor and get past the are you crazy? looks lol
So here's my story:
About a year ago, I went to the hospital for amnesia. Yes, I literally could not remember the day before. I had a 24 hour memory. About 4 days later, they did an 72 hour EEG to see if I was having seizures at night and it was causing amnesia, aka resetting my memory. Nothing came back. Later figured out that I had a severe b12 deficiency and attributed the memory loss to that. With the b12 injections I've been doing better, but I randomly still have periods where I completely lose my memory just like before. Only now, I've noticed something different that I didn't before my initial memory loss.
I think I've been having simple partial seizures, and here's why...(cue confused looks lol). Every now and then, I'll feel a strange feeling coming on. Kinda scary but I know its coming. Then it hits. I will have a sense of deja vu like its a reoccurring dream that I've seen before (its always one of the same 2 or 3 "dreams"). It lasts maybe 30 seconds and it seems SO real that its alarming. After I come out of it, I feel extremely confused, I can't remember the "dream" and I'll feel extremely nauseous. I may or may not get a headache, I usually don't. These tend to come in random episodes. I'll have up to 5 or 6 of these episodes in a day for like a week or two and then months with nothing. Also, these tend to be very brief, yet so strange.
Now if you haven't written me off as crazy and you're still reading this, thank you! lol. I haven't had another EEG done during one of these series of episodes because a) the glue took out a lot of my hair last time and b) the test is pricey and my doctor has decided that its probably a case of migraines and not worth running an EEG or other scan... From what I've read migraines (even without the headache) last for hours or days whereas these only last for a minute or less.
So I guess what I'm asking is, am I having partial seizures? What are the steps in getting a diagnosis and convincing my doctor to do the appropriate test? And, has anyone heard of memory loss with seizures? I'm assuming that when I have these random phases of amnesia it was triggered by some sort of nighttime seizure activity.
Thanks in advance for any advice. I'd like to gain enough info to confidently explain to a doctor and get past the are you crazy? looks lol