Reading Epilepsy

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Hi, I have reading epilepsy meaning that my seizures are triggered by reading for long periods of time. I am currently taking a medication called apo divalproex which is working very well for me. My only question is wether it would be ok to consume marijuana in my condition and while taking the medication that I'm taking.
Hi cacaheaf, welcome to CWE!

There's no way to say for sure whether marijuana would be safe for you, since everyone reacts differently. As a street drug, marijuana can also vary considerably in terms of its active ingredients. It helps some folks with seizure control, but for others it can make their seizures worse. And for plenty of people it it has no particular effect -- good or bad -- on their seizures.

If you feel comfortable doing so, it would be good to discuss this with your neurologist. There has been a lot of general discussion here at CWE about marijuana. The threads at the link below might provide some additional guidance:

If you do decide to try it, I recommend that you be conservative, moderate and safe in your usage until you get a sense of how it makes you feel.

Thanks for the reply, Nakamova

I was also wondering though if it was safe to consume marijuana while being on apo divaproex, the medication I am presently taking. I think it's a fairly common epilepsy drug so if anyone has consumed marijuana while on this medication i'd very much appreciate it if you shared your experience or any other related information.
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