Reasonable Accommodation For Epilepsy?

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Been thinking about maybe in the near future getting back to a job of some form if at all possible. For now, only a dream, but would be nice to become a reality again and have a bit more independence money-wise.

I'm thinking about remote/work-from-home might be a better bet, but being open in case I eventually find an in-person job that works out, too. If I were to find a job in person, what reasonable accommodations can be requested to an HR department for epilepsy?

One I have heard of is "time to rest in a quiet area (10 - 30 mins) if a seizure feels imminent or has recently happened", but I haven't seen a lot more on the subject and it leaves me curious. I know some accommodations may depend upon the nature of the job, but if they're reasonable for the job then it could be a good idea, right?
Hi XxBlaqkxX,

Each time I applied for a job I put down on my job application that I had epilepsy that way the employer couldn't lay me off
if I had a seizure after I was hired by them. Also I know that the employer has to give a person some time to rest if they had
a seizure on the job and they also have to adjust a person's work schedule so it won't be any problem for the person to get
back and forth to work. One thing I did is get a note from my Dr. stating it was fine for me to work a job and that way the
employer couldn't come back on me and say I wasn't good enough for the job.
I wish you the best of luck and May God Bless You,

Hi XxBlaqkxX,

Each time I applied for a job I put down on my job application that I had epilepsy that way the employer couldn't lay me off
if I had a seizure after I was hired by them. Also I know that the employer has to give a person some time to rest if they had
a seizure on the job and they also have to adjust a person's work schedule so it won't be any problem for the person to get
back and forth to work. One thing I did is get a note from my Dr. stating it was fine for me to work a job and that way the
employer couldn't come back on me and say I wasn't good enough for the job.
I wish you the best of luck and May God Bless You,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this. I read it a while back, but I guess I didn't respond. Sorry 'bout that :oops:

I am guessing that epilepsy is covered under the ADA even if the individual hasn't claimed it as a disability?

Wow, that's brave to put it on an application, but I see where you're coming from. I wouldn't think it's legal for employers to get rid of workers with epilepsy simply because they had a seizure on the job. Not saying there aren't employers that won't do it, though. They'd probably just get away with it by saying, "Could not perform functions of the job," so that way the medical issue wasn't labeled as the reason why.

The doctor note makes sense. I think employers can request this anyway as validation for claims made so they know you're not faking it.
Hi XxBlaqkxX,

Yes, you are correct epilepsy is covered under the ADA but where I live a person has to have so many seizures a month/yr. before
they would qualify for ADA. The main reason why I put down that I have epilepsy on the job application is then if I'm hired for the job
the employer can't come back on me and lay me off because of the epilepsy or if I have a few seizures while at work because they hired
me knowing I have epilepsy. There were a couple of times they tried to get rid of me because I had brain surgery to reduce the seizures
but then I just went to human resources and asked for my job application and pointed out to them that they hired me knowing I had epilepsy
and they couldn't let me go because I was having surgery to better myself.

Take my word you have to have a strong backbone and be able to stand up to some employers so they don't walk all over you
like a doormat and this is what I have had to do a couple of times along with getting a lawyer after the head of human resources
and take my word it was a great help because he was fired for stealing money.

Hi XxBlaqkxX,

Yes, you are correct epilepsy is covered under the ADA but where I live a person has to have so many seizures a month/yr. before
they would qualify for ADA. The main reason why I put down that I have epilepsy on the job application is then if I'm hired for the job
the employer can't come back on me and lay me off because of the epilepsy or if I have a few seizures while at work because they hired
me knowing I have epilepsy. There were a couple of times they tried to get rid of me because I had brain surgery to reduce the seizures
but then I just went to human resources and asked for my job application and pointed out to them that they hired me knowing I had epilepsy
and they couldn't let me go because I was having surgery to better myself.

Take my word you have to have a strong backbone and be able to stand up to some employers so they don't walk all over you
like a doormat and this is what I have had to do a couple of times along with getting a lawyer after the head of human resources
and take my word it was a great help because he was fired for stealing money.

I'm not sure what it is for our state, but I guess I'll eventually figure it out one day or look it up for my state to see.

Well, in that case - I suppose it was a good thing you had marked it on your application!

I'm sure it would be nice to be able to consult a lawyer about such things since they'd have a lot of more of the legal knowledge down and where to find it.
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