Restless Leg Syndrom

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I wanted to know if anyone has restless leg syndrome. I think I do because everything that I read about it is exactly the same that happens to me. It is very common in people with epilepsy too. I'll wake up at night and sometimes it's so bad that I'll have to get out of bed and walk around the house.

It's been happening for many years, at least 10 or longer, and I'm not sure if it did before I had epilepsy or not.

I see my neuro in January and I'm going to ask him about it.
YES. Sometimes it is even accompanied with leg cramps. Supposedly the benzos were to alleviate all of that as well as help with avoiding clusters, but I'm pretty sure that I've become immune to them at this point. But my Team won't increase the dose, since I'm down to 118 pounds (and I'm 6 foot 2- pathetic huh) so I just suffer with it. I just keep telling myself, just a couple to a few more years and none of it will matter anyway because I'll be dead, but man. This dying stuff isn't what I expected. "Go quietly into that good night" or whatever my left eye. It's PAINFUL and DEPRESSING. That's why I don't dump THAT bucket of soap water on you good people. YOU don't need to be reading it; it's hard enough on the Wife, Mom and Brother (only Family left). Oh. Um, yes. I get restless legs several times weekly, sometimes nightly.
Yes, I have it. Not a twitching or jumpy leg, but that weird distressing feeling that you have to move it, particularly lower leg and foot. I’ve found that taking magnesium supplements or SuperSnooze can help.
Yes, I have it. Not a twitching or jumpy leg, but that weird distressing feeling that you have to move it, particularly lower leg and foot. I’ve found that taking magnesium supplements or SuperSnooze can help.

This is what happens to me and it's in my lower legs and feet too. My legs will jump at times. I just hate that I lay there twisting and turning trying to get comfortable until it finally goes away.

I'll talk to my neuro about taking magnesium.
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