RNS or VNS, which do you like better?

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I currently have a VNS and I'm also on medicine. I started seeing a new neuro and he suggested that I have an EMU and find out if an RNS would work for me. He said that I would probably still taking meds. I could also keep my VNS if I wanted to, I'd be needing to get a new battery in it soon though.

I wanted to know people's opinions of the two.
It's been years since I did much reading or investigation for either system. I'm not sure what improvements or study data might have been occurred in the last few years.

Off the top of my head though, I'd be wondering if there are any case studies for patients that had both. I can imagine a bad scenario where the VNS and RNS keep triggering each other in a feedback loop. Maybe that's not really possible. I don't know, but it's something I would investigate if I were considering it.
I have the VNS, was installed originally in 2008 and have never had any issues with it. Due to the multiple factors with my case it was best to put in place a DBS in 2011 at University of Nebraska Medical Center. The neurosurgeon felt it was best using the DBS device for seizure care because of how the mapping grid showed activity on both sides.
Interesting thread, my neurologist mentioned the RNS this morning to me because the doctor thinks that my epilepsy is intractable. I have agreed to start testing as well as try out clobazam to see if there is any improvement. I have done research on the VNS but I have never heard about an RNS until now, so I am curious as to how it works and how well it might help me.
I'm going into the EMU next week to see if I might be able to get one.
The neurologist I was seeing prior to my current one had suggested an RNS but using it would be difficult for me. I am completely unaware of my complex partial seizures' beginning & end.
The VNS does what need be done for my case. I will say the DBS device was installed a few years afterwards as the VNS device could not provide enough of what was needed and because of my type epilepsy it was chosen to go with a Deep Brain Stimulator rather than the RNS because of multiple factors;
- the DBS would assist quickly to my needs for my case
- the DBS could provide medically for type of seizures and in hopes drop amount and type (which did happen)

I went from having 5 complex partial seizures a day to the Deep Brain Surgery device installation in 2011 and the settings then things became this one or two seizures a month.
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