Smoking Update...

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0 some of you know, I have been trying to quit smoking. About 5 weeks ago, I was smoking 12 cigarettes a day. I am now down to 3 cigarettes a day. :) The have completely quit by the time I see my neuro. :) Next week, it's down to 2, and the following wek, it's down to 1. Then after that....none.....and my poor hubby will have to go through me on nicotine withdrawl. :) Pray for him. :) It shouldn't be too bad though. Anyway, thought I'd give you all a progress report. :)
Awwwright Skilly!!

I"m proud of anyone that can quit after smoking so much. :clap:

I grew up with 2 chain smokers who were constantly trying to quit so I know how hard it can be.

Remember to stick to a healthy diet & drink lots of water so that your body can get rid of the toxins that have built up.
Way to go - that's an awesome
Present! Being smoke-free! But
of course I am a rabid-smoker!

I smoke everything from fish to
turkey! LOL! (I just had to say
that ...) So if you're up to smoking
again, I'll be glad to light up ...


LOL....Now I luv good grilling!

epileric, don't worry, I'm at about 4 quarts of water a day. That's not including individual glasses of water when my water bottle isn't at hand, or glasses of juice. I would worry about getting over hydrated except that I'm pregnant, and I wake up in the middle of the night with a parched throat. :) That, and my lips are a little chapped. Normally they aren't, and I don't lick my lips or use carmex or other stuff on my lips....maybe it's the California weather....

Wow, oh, wow skillefer .... that is just SUPER news. I am so happy for you. Keep it up.
Wow! Now I'll have to go down to 3 chocolate sticks a day. It's tough, but well worth it.
Really great news! You are giving that baby one great birthday present.
Hi There

Ex smokers are the worst, I should know!! I was at a friend of mine's party last night, she is a smoker and you have to go outside now in the uk for a smoke (thank god) she is a lovely intelligent woman, and every five minutes her and her friends would go outside, then come back in absolutely stinking!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh God, when I get a waft of smoke I think, how the Hell did I do that to my body? I still get chest pains when I pass a smoker outside a pub or a shop, consumed in a cloud of disgusting blue smoke!! I packed up 10 years ago when I met my non smoking Mr Right, there is no way I could have kissed him goodnight stinking like that!! I screwed the packet up and chucked them in the bin, best thing I ever did! I so wish my dear mum had more determination, she so wanted to stop, but it killed her last Xmas, you can do it, if you really really want to, I'm encouraging you here, because it is so easy to do!! Please keep us informed, and just think how much nicer you'll smell, how much more money you'll have and how much longer you will live!!

I wish you well, honestly, if I can do it, anyone can, as they say here in the UK it really is "a piece of piss" to give up smoking!!! All the best, keep us posted eh?


Elaine x
Congratulations , Keep up the good work . You're going to be a great mom , your baby's already safer.
I just quit a few months ago after about 20 years of smoking.

I wish I could endorse the "cut down until you quit" method but I know that for me, when I was doing it that way, it was just an excuse for me to keep smoking. I could say I was quitting but I was still smoking.

for me, it went on like that for about 3 years. I would cut way down and then "slip" for a few days or a week or so and smoke like a freight train.

I finally realized I was going to have to just stop "cold turkey". I knew it would be hard and it was but I also knew that there would never be a "right time" to smoke the last one.

I miss smoking so much but I like breathing easier and not always thinking about my next cigarette. I kind of replaced my cigarette addiction with tea. Which I guess can still be bad for you in extremes.

I hope you're successful. I would suggest that you just make your decision to quit and do it but smoking is just so bad for you that you should quit any way you can.
I am proud to those people who has a great determination to quit smoking. I once thought and tried to quit smoking but I really just can't especially when I am around my friends who are smokers. I am a doctor and I advise my patients not to smoke cuz it will harm their lungs, skin and body. But I can't even make myself quit!
I am proud to those people who has a great determination to quit smoking. I once thought and tried to quit smoking but I really just can't especially when I am around my friends who are smokers. I am a doctor and I advise my patients not to smoke cuz it will harm their lungs, skin and body. But I can't even make myself quit!

as an adult, I think we should be allowed to make the conscious decision that we want to smoke that cigarette, and that we're willing to take the damage to our lung tissue for that smoke. Personally, I gave up cigs a long time ago; however, I wondered if anyone else on here smoked marijuana. Knock on wood, I have never had a seizure while smoking weed.

I have been a daily toker for about 4.5 years longer than I have been an epileptic. I also told my dr. that I smoked pot, and he didn't even bat an eyelash; quite a relief.

Anyone else have 2 cents to share on the subject? haha, because I am totally willing to take the lung damage to get high, my quality of life is 10X higher.

Damn it all! I think that I just realized that I have broken bones in my hand from something I did during my 3 seizures on Friday, and that is why it is painful to type.
My experience with MY doctors has been....

...if it ain't broke...don't fix it.

In other words, if YOU as an adult understand the consequences of smoking pot and feel you ARE enjoying a better quality of life...then why should they argue? Hell, you are making them look good!

Marijuana has been on the list as a possible 'alternative treatment' for a long time...with varying degrees of results but as I understand it not returning as promising results as others like neurofeedback and many others.

Check out the Alternative Treatment thread for more on this than I can tell you!

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Ok...I'm disappointed in myself....I got down to 3 and when I tried to jump down to 2, it's like my brain went haywire. All I did was I fell off the wagon, and I'm still at 3. My hubby says he can live with me smoking only 3 a day, but I'm so disappointed in myself. :( I've considered using the patch, but I think I'm at such a low level now that the patch would be to high. So maybe the gum. It was funny, when I asked a doc which would be safer, he said that actually, it was the nicotine that did damage to babies, so it didn't really matter whether I smoked or used the quitting methods. I'd still be getting nicotine. The only difference was that my oxygen levels would improve if I wasn't smoking.....that's a way to encourage someone to quit!:)

Anyway, so I'm back at 3 and trying hard..Pray for me!
Come on Skilly, remember your goal

You have been doing so well, just find that last bit of willpower, don't throw away all of your hardwork now you've come this far

You know we're behind you

& don't beat yourself up for what you didn't accomplish. Just focus on what you're going to accomplish.
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