I am still trying to figure out what could be considered seizures. I would like to know if anyone has experienced these things, as well as information.
1. Tilting/leaning - I will be sitting down or standing, and will begin to slowly lean. Usually right or left, a few times forward or backward. I will be aware of this, distantly, but unconcerned and unable to snap myself out of it. It lasts only a few seconds (I think) at a time. But I have fallen out of chairs before. I am uncertain if it begins with me aware every time, or if I sometimes become aware in the middle of it.
2. Brain Fog - due to migraines, I am very familiar with this. But can seizures cause it, or make it worse?
3. Full body muscle spasms. Tightening in my muscles. Curling of fingers on own. Twisting of arms/legs. (pulling inward, bending)
4. Body jumps - be sitting doing whatever, and my whole body will jerk upwards at once. It usually happens several times.
5. Stiffness - sometimes parts of my body will become hard to move. Right now the left wrist and fingers are in pain and do not want to type. Usually it is my face. It will go stiff, and I will be expressionless. I might loose the ability to speak for a while, or speak without inflection as it begins to fade.
6. Zoning out - sometimes it is as if I go so deep in thought that I am no longer aware of the world around me. People will speak to me, and I won't realize they are wanting a reply, or that I am supposed to speak out loud. It is a struggle to come out of this, but I think I am usually aware that I am being spoken to.
7. Aura - are seeing floating lights a symptom of an oncoming seizure, or a seizure of their own? Or can it be either?
8. Sudden exhaustion - for years I have dealt with suddenly becoming unable to function to some degree. I start shuffling when I walk. I become weak. It will affect my ability to think clearly and hold conversation. I do not have low blood sugar, but it is similar to this in feeling. I have always been told to eat salt and drink water when I feel like this. But it usually happens in stores or places with florescent lights, or after being in a car at night. Sometimes eating helps, sometimes it does not. And we have often thought my blood pressure was somehow involved??? I bring this one up because of how tired the seizures make me. It is a very similar feeling.
1. Tilting/leaning - I will be sitting down or standing, and will begin to slowly lean. Usually right or left, a few times forward or backward. I will be aware of this, distantly, but unconcerned and unable to snap myself out of it. It lasts only a few seconds (I think) at a time. But I have fallen out of chairs before. I am uncertain if it begins with me aware every time, or if I sometimes become aware in the middle of it.
2. Brain Fog - due to migraines, I am very familiar with this. But can seizures cause it, or make it worse?
3. Full body muscle spasms. Tightening in my muscles. Curling of fingers on own. Twisting of arms/legs. (pulling inward, bending)
4. Body jumps - be sitting doing whatever, and my whole body will jerk upwards at once. It usually happens several times.
5. Stiffness - sometimes parts of my body will become hard to move. Right now the left wrist and fingers are in pain and do not want to type. Usually it is my face. It will go stiff, and I will be expressionless. I might loose the ability to speak for a while, or speak without inflection as it begins to fade.
6. Zoning out - sometimes it is as if I go so deep in thought that I am no longer aware of the world around me. People will speak to me, and I won't realize they are wanting a reply, or that I am supposed to speak out loud. It is a struggle to come out of this, but I think I am usually aware that I am being spoken to.
7. Aura - are seeing floating lights a symptom of an oncoming seizure, or a seizure of their own? Or can it be either?
8. Sudden exhaustion - for years I have dealt with suddenly becoming unable to function to some degree. I start shuffling when I walk. I become weak. It will affect my ability to think clearly and hold conversation. I do not have low blood sugar, but it is similar to this in feeling. I have always been told to eat salt and drink water when I feel like this. But it usually happens in stores or places with florescent lights, or after being in a car at night. Sometimes eating helps, sometimes it does not. And we have often thought my blood pressure was somehow involved??? I bring this one up because of how tired the seizures make me. It is a very similar feeling.