[Info] Topiromate experience ???

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I'm hoping to find out peoples experience with topiromate?
Mainly side effects and how it has effected you
There is anothe forum where some things were posted. since it goes by other names, it can be tricky to figure out one thing is also something els.
It won't let me link to it. Just go to the Kitchen forums and look for one that says Topimax. Hope that helps!
It's spelled Topamax. Anyway, it has a few problems.

It's called dopamax because it'll make you forget words randomly, and for me at least, I get dizzy spells if I move head in certain positions.

On the plus side, it is used for weight loss so in combination with other drugs such as depakote it can reduce other negative effects.

Oh, and for the first few months I was on it, I basically could not have an orgasm and had no libido whatsoever.
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this is one of the drugs of the 16 that failed. I have had 3 surgeries and in the process of it all we found one drug finally that DOES work so we're going to stay with this one for awhile on a low dosage.
This drug for me, made me VERY forgetful!!! It also made me ANOREXIC. I lost 30 lbs. Still on a very small dose.
I wish some AED had caused me to lose weight. I have tried just about every AED that I can for my seizures. Despite having many different side effects from them weight loss is one that I never experienced.
I was on Topamax from 2006 -2008, I lost a heap of weight in the 2 years I was on it because I had no appetite. I cant remember for sure but I think my memory was a little worse as well.
I'm currently on Topamax/Topiramate--I have been for almost 20 years. It's never affected my appetite or weight.
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