trouble with detail?

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ok so I use to have a VERY VERY good memory and now i cant seem to remember things. Like yesterday i got up and thought it was monday..when it really was saturday...and little things like that. But worst of all is i cant remember details for anything. For example, I could read an article in the paper and then 20 minutes later cant really remember what the article was about..or facts from the article. Or if i dont write something down right away i lose the thought..or forget what i was gonna do next

anyone have the same problem? I use to have it worse but then i stopped taking that med and now im on something different. Could it have anything with the dose of the med?
I have always been that way. My husband used to try and make me remember things without writing things down and it just did not work, just added to my stress. I have cards to remind me what to do during the day. I have house cleaning cards to remind me what I am to do in that room. I can't live without lists. I have procedure manuals that I write to remember how to do things the correct way. People think I am so detailed, I am not I just have to follow lists or instruction or I can't function. I love having a Tom Tom because if I go some where 20 times on time 21 I can't find it. I have spent 45 years lost...I hate it... I also say random things such as if I was talking to you and I asked you to go open the door but at that same moment a cat walked into the room I would say to you go open the cat.... sort of funny but some times not. I also stutter when to much is going on around me. anyway as for my memory getting worse, no just the same BAD.
yah :/ I hear ya on that one! it freaked me out when i couldnt remember anything AT ALL. So i went to the doctor and he took me off the med. But know its just like..i feel like my 50yr old mother, we both remember things about the same. And for me thats really sad, cause im only 18..and just starting college :crying: its like everytime i have a seizure im hoping i wont lose something else
I don't know if this will help you but note cards and repatition is the best that I know of. I used to have to do things as a child over and over and over and over. I also had to check my work over and over and over. I call it the rule of threes. I check what I do three times. Major time consumer but hey that is my life. I also try and act very very nice because if you have an issue and you are nice others seem to forgive you for it. Also I try and make every thing in other areas of my life that don't include memory really really great to cover up for my areas that I am not that great in. Others say just be yourself and be ok with your flaws...maybe that is a better way, I am not sure.
Quoting from another thread:

I suffer from memory issues, whether
or not I am on medications. Sometimes I can
be sharp as a tack, or the dumb blonde that I
am; it is all neurological.

However - while these quotes below were from
a Menses Cycle thread and doesn't pertain to
this thread, I just took my posting from there
and moved it over here....

brain said:

Here's a recommendation, they NOW have Calendars
where they also come with a CD Rom where you can
also install it on your computer too (it's like - oh man,
I've got one and my Docs loves it...)!

It's a Calendar, Planner, Event, Everything!

I have mine pop up every time when my computer starts
and since my memory is so hideous, I have it all logged
in that computer, that way it's "private" and not marked
on the calendar on the wall - and also I'm able to mark
and log seizure activities as well. Then I go to my MS
Office and I have this Ledger - and from there - I record
everything down, and save it, and print it out.

My Doctors love it so much, that they rip out the old
one and insert the new one in my chart, so they have
the profile of it all, knowing exactly what all is going on
and when.

And plus I don't miss appointments this way too! Even
my Doctor's Receptionists tells me not to forget to put
it on your E-Calendar at home! (I did forget once!)

For the cost of the Calendar, it's the same price, the CD-
rom comes free!


#47 - in reference of "Where to get them"?

brain said:
I got mine at the Mall - where they have Calendar joints,
but I know Hallmark carries them, Wal*Mart, K-Mart, CVS,
etc ...

The problem is - when they rack these calendars - you can't
see it, many of them have the CD Rom Label down on the
lower bottom, so this means you have to pull the whole danged
thing out to see if it comes with a CD or not! It's NUTS!
And believe it or not - even the DOLLAR STORE/TREE has
them, that is, if they hadn't sold out on them already!

But if you have a MALL near you that sells nothing but
Calendars, ask the Seller - he/she will know which ones
have the CD's - and that way you won't be stuck with
pulling every single calendar out! And guess what, you
can use this blasted CD on as many computers as you
want! It even has a B'day reminder and you can even
send a B'day e-card if you want, it will take you there!
*grins* (Don't ask - but I sent myself a B'day card by
mistake this year *blush* and my son thought it was
so funny! I sent myself an e-card!)


AND GET THIS - it even comes with screen savers, desktop,
and - maybe I better shut up and not spoil the surprise,
very easy to install - whether you have Windows 98 or Vista
or even a MAC!


AND well I better say this ... it doesn't come with spyware
or adware or any of that garbage!

# 48 - and an example:

brain said:
What an excellent idea. My memory is the same way and I need it to pop up like that. Tell me how you did it please.

After you install it - it gives you the option if you
wish for it to start up when the computer starts,
or if you opt for it not to.

I opt for it to come on - or otherwise - I'll forget!

See attachment below for example of my E-Calendar
Set Up and Desktop:

(PS: The Pepsi Can is my Recycle Bin, that comes from
my Windows 95 desktop Icons ... I have a file of cool
Win 95 desktop Icons that can be used on Windows
all the way up to Vista - and I use that file all the time,
I have 7 disc copies of it and I'll die if I ever loose that
Desk Icons! LOL!)

The attachment pertains to Quote # 48


  • Ecalendar.jpg
    77.3 KB · Views: 3
ok so I use to have a VERY VERY good memory and now i cant seem to remember things. ... Could it have anything with the dose of the med?

Yes, memory problems could be a side effect of AEDs. It can also be a residual effect of seizures.

There was a point in time when my wife was functionally like a vegetable. She lay on the couch all day in a Depakote induced fog and couldn't even remember the names of our children. It was awful.

If you saw her today, though, you would never even guess that she had a neurological disorder. Getting the right meds and getting seizures under control makes a world of difference (it did in her case anyway!).

EEG neurofeedback also helped her regain cognitive clarity. I highly recommend it.
I have the same problems, but I was told by my neuro that my seizures - not my meds - since I wasn't on AEDs when my memory probs started was the culprit. I keep a notebook with me all the time as my backup memory. I've been going to the same doctors for about 9 years every 3 months and if I didn't have my directions with me it would be a sure bet that I would take a few wrong turns before getting there and I almost always take a glance at the directory posted by the elevator even though I know he is on the second floor - ugh!! That was when I was allowed to drive of course. I'm still getting used to not being allowed to drive (2 months now).

I feel your frustrations. I also "say what I see" in the middle of my sentences even if it doesn't fit what I'm trying to communicate. I'm told it all goes with the congnitive short circuits caused by the seizures. They can't tell me how much more I might lose or if it will be permanent. You just take it day to day and have a good sense of humor about it.

I was learning to use my notebook and other lists before I even knew what the cause of my memory problems was so that I could make sure to get important things done like paying bills and even doing laundry or whatever I went into a room to do - I wrote it down first in case I forgot along the way.

I went for more than 4 years without a diagnosis. At least for the last 2 months I have a name to put to the culprit and I know I'm not going nuts. To me that in itself is a blessing. Uncertainty and trying to get doctors to listen to and diagnose your symptoms for years so that you know you aren't really losing your mind is truely frustrating too!
Sadly Skillefer, the description of me I gave is me on fish oil caps - I've been taking them for years - don't even want to think what shape I 'd be in without them :bigsmile:
I've found that the powdered green drinks in the health food stores help my memory & energy levels

Most of them use spirulina & lecithin as a base.
Dear Cindy,
Try exercising your brain to get it to remember stuff. Do some sudoku or crossword puzzles. Try writing a long sentence down from a book and keep it covered. after five minutes , try to remember every word. then gradually increase the time spent covering the answer. Try doing things with your non dominant hand (like writing or drawing or painting). Speak in a foreign language if you know one.Try playing those card games that require you to remember the place where the card was.It might help.
On a more medical note, are you sure your seizures are under control?. The symptoms you describe could also be due to absence seizures. When i had them i could often not remember what i was talking about ten minutes ago and i developed an annoying habit of lip-synching whatever other people said to remember.

Hope I've been of some help
Keep ur chin up :)
Thanks Dr. A - You are always very helpful. I do Sudukos and crosswords and I also do family history research (genealogy) to keep my mind as sharp as possible. I also am lucky enough that I have a bit of talent and enjoy painting. My seizures are not yet under control. Only diagnosed 2 mos ago and doc put me on Zonagran 400mg. Scheduled to go to Vanderbilt University on Monday Dec 15th to meet with Epileptologist, Dr. Khalil, head of research there for about 26 years. It took years for them to finally decide I even had E.

I just found out that I had a spot on my left temporal lobe on my recent MRI and it was also on my 2006 MRI, but back then, because of my rheumatoid arthritis, and my use of Enbrel injections, they were trying to rule out Multiple Sclerosis, but didn't make a positive diagnosis of what it actually WAS until 2 mos ago. Since I only knew something was wrong and didn't know what it was, I had to rely on ingenuity and determination to keep my mind as sharp as possible. Every time I told my neuro of new symptoms at each new 3 month appointment, I usually got the same response - "Well, you're too young to have ..... (whatever the disease of the month was during that visit)" and he would keep writing notes in my chart (now literally about 2 inches thick) and running tests until my husband was finally home when I had a noticeable partial seizure. Since the seizures had ALWAYS caused memory loss especially of even having the seizure, I didn't know it even happened, much less what happened so that I could tell the doctor about it. My husband travels quite a bit and I didn't realize how often I was having seizures until the Zonegran started working and I didn't lose consciousness everytime so I started remembering some things that happened during some of my seizures so that I could write them down and tell my neuro. That's when the neuro immediately referred me to Dr. Khalil at Vanderbilt and ordered more tests (EEG, another MRI, more blood work) and I lost my driving privileges.

So here I am. And I really appreciate all of you at this forum and the support and info you provide to us newbies. I hope that I can also be of help to others as I learn more about this and I know that I can at least be a shoulder for others if they need it. Thank you again doc.
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I want to post a well written reply to this thread, but I am too tired tonight. You are definitely not alone. I just purchased the "Dora the Explorer" Memory flashcard game to practice every night at bedtime. I played MEMORY as a child, and now as an adult.
I'll write more tomorrow.

Take care. -Julie
I know what you mean, too! When I worked I wrote down everything and had things labeled. I appeared organized to others, but I had to do it to remember what I was supposed to be doing! I have MAJOR trouble with names, but I can remember faces.

Get this...I was doing research for a book I'm writing and was granted permission to pilot a towboat and engineer a train a few minutes each. BUT I DIDN'T REMEMBER I DID IT UNTIL I ACTUALLY SAW THE PICTURES! UGH! My seizure focus is in my right temporal lobe where, according to what I've read, memory is stored. I don't know about you, but because of my bad memory I am always second-guessing myself. More than any other epilepsy-related problem this one is the most crippling. It seems I live my life through other people's memories of me. They will say, "You mean you don't you remember...?" and "How can you forget that?" Quite honestly, it makes me feel very stupid.
Before I got diagnosed and put on Keppra..I could not remember the number 17. Now that the seizures are under control, I am rememberig 17 again. I can remember some very trivia things from my childhood, but do stuggle with short term memory problems now.
Before I got diagnosed and put on Keppra..I could not remember the number 17. Now that the seizures are under control, I am rememberig 17 again. I can remember some very trivia things from my childhood, but do stuggle with short term memory problems now.

I am so sorry! I, too, have problems with my short term memory. I think the worst problem I had with memory was when I was coming out of a seizure. I looked at my then 2 year old son and didn't know who he was! Talk about scared when I realized it later! I, too, take Keppra. I've actually been learning a lot about the drug from reading threads on it. So glad your seizures are under control!
We have a place ...

To get your brain in gear ...
right here in CWE:


It's opened to all CWE members, and
it's a lot of fun! Anyone can join, and
scroll first, and see how it goes along,
and you'll find it relatively easy to play
along ... but one word of warning ...

PS: Don't say I didn't warn you!

lol ok ill try some of this stuff and see if it works. The worst part for me is getting a thought and then losing it like 2 seconds later :ponder: keppra is the only med that works for me but it seems to be the drug from hell for me. At least with all the side effects...

oh and i do take the fish oil and other oil doesnt really do anything for me :P
keppra is the only med that works for me but it seems to be the drug from hell for me. At least with all the side effects...

You said it best, Keppra was
with me ... it's on my
AED of what NOT
to give me!

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