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Brain, I totally have to thank you for those incredibly useful posts. I went back and read those links in them and wowzers! It didn't occur to me why I was having so many problems at home or why things had gotten so much worse - or at least so much more noticeable - in the past few months. Then I looked up at the lights in my apartment. A few months ago, the management came through with the power company and put in all flourescent lighting saying how much it would save us on our power bills, blah blah.

I didn't think anything of it at the time except that the track lighting in the kitchen was about a hundred times brighter. But that's when everything started getting about a hundred times worse for me, too - after they did that.

So, this past weekend, my little brother came over and changed out every lightbulb in the apartment from the fluorescent ones the power company & apartment management installed to full spectrum bulbs (a bit on the spendy side, but like my dad always said, you get what you pay for) - what a huge difference! Just the change in lighting in the place has cut my seizure activity in half at least. That's awesome. :D
That's great news! It's nice when you can draw a straight line between cause and effect in the world of seizures.
That has me thinking...
my son seems to have more absence seizures at school (junk lighting).
Now...what can I do about it???:ponder:
Perhaps you can look into getting him some special tinted glasses? There's a site that sells them.
In case you don't wear prescription glasses ...

If you do not wear prescription glasses, there are also
pilot (aviator's) glasses as well. I have used them before
I had to wear glasses and they worked and it is worth
the money to invest into them over the UV type sun-
glasses, because you can also wear them whenever
there's a seizure-provocative light issues.

I used to have an old chatroom ID of:


for a reason, because of monitors back then in the old
days were bad unlike computer monitors of today. And
same application went to televisions as well.

I could see lines like crazy, even with the anti-glare and
UV screens over the monitors, it didn't help but those
pilot glasses helped quite a bit and they lasted me for years!
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