Vimpat, a new AED, has anybody else tried it

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they only recently found some of term long term side effects of vimpat like blue pee, and blue retinas and blindness. I am sure i have posted my blue toliet before.

Hmmm... That explains the appearance of a purple ring just a few days after cleaning... (no, seriously) I verified my memory with my wife's recollection that it started appearing lightly soon after starting 200mg Vimpat (the blue pill). The coloration wasn't there before then. It is slowly darkening too.

As a side note: I have been on an increasing dosage of Vimpat since September of 2013.
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I was started on Keppra but had Kepprage bad. I was switched to Vimpat and it is way better. I am a novice at all this and have not have as many seizures as you all describe. All I can say is it is better than Keppra for me. When I did not take a dose I had a seizure so it must work for me at least. Thanks to every one on this forum.
Vimpat Nightmare

Why is it that a drug can be so effective for a while and then everything turns into a big nightmare?
My Vimpat experience makes me want to scream, getting off it was hellish but I feel like a real person again.
Sadly, the seizure control was good but :bigmouth:
I,ve been on vipat a long time now. I have lots of side effect expecially at high doses but my dr. and myself feel it does more good than bad. I have my temroll lobe talken and take lamical also He says the side effects are caused by the combination of the surgery , vimpatand continured seizues . I will never have my memory left. I need to ask if not being able to recongnize people, Find words I wanr, tryto finish sentinues intelligene dropped terribly etc. I only see him about every 6 months because we havent found something helpful. This last time seeing him has been longer because his son died. I hear rhere is a new anticonvulsent but it has some terrible side effecs I refused one because it could make you blind. I see him this week and don't know what will happen.
I must apologize.

All drugs have side effects and I am only talking about my experience.
I would never tell anybody else what to do.
Just because I had that interesting experience doesn't mean that you will too.
Often the benefits do outweigh the risks. I can only let my doctor do some of the guiding. The rest, I have learned is my responsibility. I have refused certain drugs for various reasons.
Bottom line.....
Quality of Life.:clap:
Which is the latesr and what are its side-effects? Has anyone tried it and what did they experienc?

I began using Vimpat almost a year ago. I recently stopped taking it because my insurance left me a HUGE amount to pay. I just had 2 seizures last night.
I agree that the copay on Vimpat is completely ridiculous. We have had so many difficulties getting insurance approval when my daughter started this med, and every time she's needed to increase it - and we STILL pay $300/month for her prescription (and $250/month for another med as well).

I am so sorry that coming off of a medication for financial reasons caused you to have seizures :(. That is wrong and should not happen. I do know that Vimpat has a financial assistance program - we aren't eligible until next month when she turns 17. You may want to look into that.
I have been on Vimpat I think,10 years.Kgartner.There is help for payment. I would be paying over a thousand $ a month between all my meds and my sons meds. Pfizer has advertised that if you can't afford your meds call them. Call you're doctor he should direct to a social director. My ex was working, but we were not making enough to pay for all the meds. So myson and I went into dshs our co pay for every thing is 0.
My neurologist put me on Vimpat in February which is an add on to Tegretol & Keppra.
So far it's been going well & apart from a strong aura earlier this month no other issues.
I had two breakthrough TC seizures Saturday and broke all 4 of my front teeth when I fell! I definitely told my doc it's time for a switch. I've had so many breakthrough seizures on Lamictal/Zonisimide, I don't know why she hasn't already switched me. I finally told her I've had enough! She's putting me on a Lamictal/Vimpat cocktail with Depakote to bridge the transition. (I've tried Keppra, Depakote, Topamax, Lamictal, Zonisimide... Didn't have a single seizure on Depakote but it made my hair fall out. At this point I'll be bald if it means I'm seizure free!) She told me it's VNS next for me too.
i dont notice the sides from vimpat aside being tired, but i dont sleep at all

i take 200mg 2x
Has Vimpat gone generic yet? All it did was drain my wallet. I'm living on S.S. disability and $150 or so a month is more than I really want to pay for something that didn't do much (if anything to help me). But if it helps you (and you can afford it); I am happy for you.
Vimpat made my teeth hurt. For some reason, that is a side effect I have with a lot of meds. It also gave me big time headaches and light sensitivity.
Has Vimpat gone generic yet? All it did was drain my wallet. I'm living on S.S. disability and $150 or so a month is more than I really want to pay for something that didn't do much (if anything to help me). But if it helps you (and you can afford it); I am happy for you.

i get a discount code from 200mg 2x ED script is only 15 a month.

get in touch with them. Ive been on it 2.5yrs too.
I live in WA state and I and my son are on ssi and I pay nothing for medications. I am on vimpat. It works for me. I have a new Dr. and she tried to raise it. Yuck! And I love Keppra . It has really helped my tonic clonic seizures. I don't think Vimpat has a generic version yet..
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