Dilantin worked well for me but I had to go off it because it messed up my liver
Topcat, how long were you on Dilantin?
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Dilantin worked well for me but I had to go off it because it messed up my liver
I began doing some reading once again on Vimpat comments as this medication is something the neurologist is wanting to upgrade and I refuse to do it. I love the above comment you made and fully agree with you. It would be great if there was one medication that would just resolve everything instead of this constantly playground of problems that everyone needs to weave through like a jungle gym.It's a shame we can't just find one good medicine, and have that one work for everybody. We have to go thru numerous others to find the one that works for us. It'd be nice if the effects we feel from the first month would just stay that way instead of getting worse or changing into something absolutely unbearable.
Suebear, In my Statement regarding the Medication and the reactions that you have. You Must always talk your Doctor. Do not stop or make changes without speaking to your Dr. Obviously, it is your choice. But by stopping or making changes to your medications could be a danger to you and your health. If you are having problems with finances, speak to your Dr. and he can help by finding other sources who can help you. This medication is keeping you alive, and if you are still having Seizures, talk to your Doctor so can help in adjusting your medications.
Vimpat has been on the market since 2006; there are persons who have not been put on the AED because others do still work and are not in need of using this oneWho told you that Vimpat was a new drug?
There is NOTHING new about VimPat.....
I won't be upgrading it and the medication won't be changing... I have two simulators to prevent this from EVER happening. If it were up to me, Vimpat would be a medication that would be removed slowly. It has done nothing but caused problems.I've been on vimpat for many yrs. and since I went on the drug I have very few complex partial seizures and my absence seizures
have decreased a lot. I found that if I was taking to high of a dosage I would have more seizures. I started at 400 mg. a day and had
more seizures than normal so my Dr. cut the dosage back to 300 mg. a day and it made a world of difference the seizures decreased
then. If you get a cold you can't take Alka Seltzer cold plus I had to change over to Aleve for cold and Flu. The cold plus messed
ups the vimpat really good. I wish all of you only the best and May God Bless All of You!