Vimpat Users

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Hi Folks,

I hope all of you are doing well. I'm getting ready for a winter storm to hit here by Wednesday and I needed to refill my
vimpat last week so I called the pharmacy and a couple of days later they called telling me my med was ready but when I got
to the pharmacy they told me they couldn't give me the vimpat because it was to early but it had been 90 days. Now it's almost
gone and I've been told to wait until this Friday. Have any of you ever had trouble getting your vimpat and the pharmacy telling
you that you can't get it after 90 days because it's a controlled subtance ? Thanks for your time and help and I wish all of you only
the best. May God Bless You!

That sounds terrible Sue, I hope the pharmacy comes up with the Vimpat for you. Maybe your neuro can help straighten things out?

Stay safe during the snowstorm. We're expecting it to hit hard in my area too.
Hi Nakamova,

I will be able to get my vimpat today Dec. 18th. I couldn't have gone any place yesterday if I wanted to because
we got hit with the same storm as you and got 16.9 inches of snow but south of me in Binghamton,NY they got 41 inches
of snow and one guy was buried in his car under 4 ft. of snow for hrs. after the plow went by but thank goodness he's out
of his car and he only had frost bite.
Thanks for your time and help. May God Bless You!

Hi HumbleDeer,

The pharmacy's excuse is because it's a controlled substance and now I see where Walmart got sued big for over doing it
with opiods. It seems like the more meds out the harder it gets. Thanks for your help and time. I wish you only the
best and May God Bless You!

I’ve had issues getting Vimpat.
Possible reasons:
Pharmacist asked for ID. (Usually not required)
I’m guessing it’s not something they keep on stock. I’ve been sent to different pharmacies before.
Had one pharmacist actually say OMG when he looked at the price.
Gotten this look 😳 picking it up. What ever that means.
I’m actually slowly coming off Vimpat right now. Wasn’t hurting wasn’t helping.
Best of luck 👊
It's odd if someone's been having problems getting Vimpat. I've never had issues. I was on it for a while a few years ago as my second AED along with Topiramate--400mg/day of each. I had to switch from it to Zonisamide when our insurance changed. The new company wanted me to pay out of pocket--$1600/month!!
My neurologist recently had me add Vimpat again as a third AED--100mg/day. Since my complex partials aren't improving/getting any less, I'm going to tell him that I don't want to continue taking it when the prescription runs out. With our current insurance, the copay for a three month supply of this dose was $160.
Hi Folks,

Thanks for your support I appreciate it. I started out taking 400 mg. of vimpat a day and it wasn't helping me but when
the Dr. cut it 100 mg. it did wonders for me.

Heavy Kevy, I know what you mean by asking for ID it's happened to me in the past and when I get a 3 month supply
of the drug I have to pay $10.00 thanks to my health ins. policy but if I didn't have the coverage I would be paying
over $3 grand and I think that's crazy. How are people supposed to pay that amount of money and get by.

Sabbo, the only problem I had with vimpat was when I first started taking the drug I had a rapid heartbeat but thank goodness
that stopped. Have you tried taking 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with mother in it each day. It can sometimes reduce
or stop seizures. I have found it has decreased my seizures a lot. Give it a try.

Wishing the both of you only the Best and May God Bless You!

Hi Folks,

Thanks for your support I appreciate it. I started out taking 400 mg. of vimpat a day and it wasn't helping me but when
the Dr. cut it 100 mg. it did wonders for me.

Heavy Kevy, I know what you mean by asking for ID it's happened to me in the past and when I get a 3 month supply
of the drug I have to pay $10.00 thanks to my health ins. policy but if I didn't have the coverage I would be paying
over $3 grand and I think that's crazy. How are people supposed to pay that amount of money and get by.

Sabbo, the only problem I had with vimpat was when I first started taking the drug I had a rapid heartbeat but thank goodness
that stopped. Have you tried taking 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with mother in it each day. It can sometimes reduce
or stop seizures. I have found it has decreased my seizures a lot. Give it a try.

Wishing the both of you only the Best and May God Bless You!

3 grand is crazy. Even if insurrance doesn't cover any of my med, my meds monthly are a maximum of like €150
Is it still as expensive? When I took it there was no generic.
There still aren't any generic versions. Drug patents are longer--17 years.
I was on Vimpat.

I got off of it because of how expensive it was. My doctor gave me samples to titrate on to it, I think I refused the prescription because it wasn't helping, controlled substances are a serious hassle, and did I mention the price?

Neuro put me on Zonisamide (Generic Zonegran) instead which actually does work, and way way cheaper.
Hi Folks,
Thanks for your support. I would have to pay $3300.00 for a 3 month perscription if I didn't have the insurance. I was on zonegran
but that didn't help me at all my seizures increased. As far as I know there's still no generic form of the drug. This drug manufacturers
need to lower the cost of all meds, how in the world do they think people can get by and pay for meds so expensive. I'm just sticking
to my vinegar and cbd (med marijuana) that is what has helped me the most in my life.

Wishing all of you only the best and May God Bless All of You,

Dear Sue,
just saw your mail and want to add that I don't believe we are going to see generic Vimpat too soon. "Money don't matter" only in that old song, but to all pharma companies they do and how! What happened to you reminds what happened to me in the first wave of Corona. One of my meds is Vimpat and it just disappeared from pharmacies (I am in Europe). After a few days of panic I found it in a smaller dose and then just bought 2 big packs to be on the safe side.
Take care,
Hi Alice,
Thanks for letting me know that they may be coming out with a generic form of vimpat. I hope it works as well as the brand
name does and lets hope the price will be a lot lower than the brand name.
Here's wishing you only the best and May God Bless You!

Dear Sue, I am sorry my mail gave you the impression that there will be a generic Vimpat. If you care to read my mail again I wrote that I "want to add that I don't believe we are going to see generic Vimpat too soon" . Sorry to give you wrong hope.
Take care
Hi Alice,
I'm sorry I miss read your post. There's no need to apologize.
Wishing you only the best and May God Bless You!

My complex partials aren't getting any less than an average of 1-3/month. My neurologist recently gave me a prescription for a 1 month supply of 100mg tablets to take twice daily in addition to the AEDs I'm already on. When went to fill it, with insurance the cost was still $90. I don't think I'll continue it, though. I'm not interested in adding more chemicals to my body, & I've recently had some complex partials.
HI Sabbo,

I'm sorry to hear that the cost is so high. I have found checking around to different pharamacy's I sometimes get a break and the
price is lower. I wish there was a way where we could make the drug co. lower the cost of meds. Have you ever tried taking Diamox
before it's a dieretic that gets rid of extra fluid in the body that can trigger seizures. That has also helped me with my complex partial
seizures but I still find the cbd oil and vinegar with mother have helped the most.
Wishing you only the best and May God Bless You!

We have to use the pharmacy that our insurance company requires--otherwise I'd check around for price differences. With the insurance we've had now for around 2 years, we have to use CVS pharmacy. My other medications (Topamax, Zonegran, & folic acid) are much cheaper than they were through the previous employer's insurance. I don't like this pharmacy for another reason, though. Their hours are ridiculous! Even on weeknights, the pharmacy closes far too early, so picking up medications can be a problem. I will find out if they set up my medications for home delivery. Our previous insurance companies required it for chronic conditions.
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