What inedible thing has your dog ate?

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So yesterday the wife and I were out shopping. We brought the dog along for the car ride (stimulation = tired dog). While were in the store he busted open a tub of Vaseline (petroleum jelly) and then proceeded to lick the whole thing. The wise old internet said there was nothing to fear except for the squirts. We left him with my parents today while we are at work :) Crisis averted.

So my question is, what has your dog ate that they shouldn’t?

Oh, maybe you’re wondering why we had Vaseline in the car, well get your mind out of the gutter, it’s for chapped skin. These dry New England winters wreak havoc on my baby soft fingers of love.
Well, just last week our dog tried to eat my 9-year old daughters sell phone... It had teeth marks all over it and didn't work anymore. Wow, what was she crying, she really hated that nasty dog.

So I had to buy another one for her. She was so pleased with her 'new' (occasion) pink phone with the touch screen she did'nt have on her old one, she thanked the dog and gave her an extra cookie. :ponder:
The family dog once consumed an entire box of brandy-filled chocolates, including the gold foil wrappers! The wrappers probably saved him, since chocolate can be toxic for dogs. That, and the fact that he threw a lot of it up...
Ok I'm sure I'll gross out a lot of people here so I apologize.. I let my dog lick chunky kid puke up off the carpet. Saved me from having to do it. :p

My dads old dog tried to eat a bottle of nail polish��.
What a pain to clean up!!
Vaseline...yummy. It's amazing what they find tasty!

I had a labrador who really got into trouble. His habits were pretty expensive since he had to undergo surgery a couple of times and detox treatments.
Let's see, he ate 12 corn on the cobs that had to be surgically removed. A whole basketful of peaches including the pits. A bottle of advil. Two boxes of raisin bran on separate occasions(raisins are toxic) so we simply had to stop buying the stuff! My favourite was when he ate the butter out of our butter dish. The dish broke but he still couldn't stop licking even after he cut his tongue! I came home to a blood tinged carpet and no butter.
The strangest thing he ever did was remove the burner off of the stovetop. You know, the coil burner off of an electric...I guess there were some tasty bits underneath.
What a dog.
CathyAnn- I know what you mean about kid puke! My daughter as an infant had reflux disease so she spit up alot. The dog didn't mind at all.
CrunchyFrog - Cement mix? That is different!

I work at a vet clinic and we have had dogs come in that have gotten into some "special brownies" and seemed very sedate!
But my favourite was when a dog ate a sex toy that had to be surgically removed. They didn't know what he ate and we were going to spare them the knowledge but sometimes people ask to see what is removed so we had to show them. Tee hee!
About 8 years ago there were a lot of problems with mice in our area.
One morning my Mum put some mouse bait under one of the beds but she couldn't get it all the way under the bed. My parents oldest dog who was still a pup at the time ate a little bit of the mouse bait, luckily we saw the dog eat the bait & got her straight to the vets. The vet gave the dog something to make her vomit & kept an eye on her.
The dog vomited up the mouse bait she ate & was able to come home later that day. She never touched mouse bait again & my parents ended up changing over to mouse traps not long after that.
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I work at a vet clinic and we have had dogs come in that have gotten into some "special brownies" and seemed very sedate!
But my favourite was when a dog ate a sex toy that had to be surgically removed. They didn't know what he ate and we were going to spare them the knowledge but sometimes people ask to see what is removed so we had to show them. Tee hee!
Haha what was their reaction? Is there really anything they can say to that?

Yeah, she got into the shed and ate cement mix, it can't have tasted nice. Surprisingly she didn't seem to suffer any ill affects though.
Well I will begin with Christmas my mother-in law's dog got into the house and took the turkey off the table, had a nice snack for himself.

My dog has eaten the door off the washing machine, most was on the floor. A week later my brother came to visit, the dog does not like him, so he ate the steering wheel of the car. When he was going Max was sitting in the front seat and I am sure he was smiling.
Well I will begin with Christmas my mother-in law's dog got into the house and took the turkey off the table, had a nice snack for himself.

My dog has eaten the door off the washing machine, most was on the floor. A week later my brother came to visit, the dog does not like him, so he ate the steering wheel of the car. When he was going Max was sitting in the front seat and I am sure he was smiling.

You just reminded me, we bought a new washing machine and put the old one in the backyard before we got a chance to get rid of it, my dog ate all the tubing and all the stuff on the back of the washing machine...... We were actually going to give it to a friend who only just moved out of home, needless to say it ended up getting thrown out.
Gosh, mine seems pretty tame in comparison! Our darling just likes to eat rabbit droppings. Can't get enough of them. I asked the vet and he said that they are like dog treats. Yummy! Now when she comes back from a walk, I ask if she came across any rabbits and brush her teeth right away!
I love all the posts. I knew this would be a good thread :) Dogs are happy idiots and I love them for it! Oh and nothing happened to the dog. The loaf of bread I fed him must have done the trick... that and his stomache of steel.

Thanks Cathy, I can't stop thinking about your dog licking up puke. :p

LJ, I knew you would have some good stories
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About 4 years ago our dog like to chew on cell phone chargers-my son never learned and he went through about 4 in a very short period of time.
He also helped "clean up " when someone had been sick.
Another time my daughter came over & threw her purse down on the couch as normal. Before we were able to take it from him, our dog had eaten a whole pack of chewing gum out of Angie's purse.
But the winner-and this is edible so it doesn't really count but... One day for lunch I was having braunschweiger & crackers. The braunschweiger had not been opened yet. Yes, you guessed it, my phone rang, I set my tray w/food down on my footstool for a second and next little Hayden was carrying around a whole tube of brauns. and he just carried it around for a 1/2 hour or so -he was so proud of himself, then he had a good meal! But the way he just held on to it was hilarious.
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Haha what was their reaction? Is there really anything they can say to that?

I wish I was there when they were shown the "evidence". I asked and apparently their eyes got a bit wider, their lips pursed and they didn't say a word.
What could you say? Oh, I was wondering where that went!

I forgot to mention all the things that my current dog likes to eat.
Disposable diapers. Yuck.
Diaper wipes. There is a theme here.
Underwear. (Dirty dirty dog)
The creepiest thing he likes to eat are all the eyes off of the stuffed animals my kids leave out. So when I'm scooping up after him I occasionally have an eye looking back up at me. Really weird.
Hudson sure did get into alot of trouble, LJ. Remember the time he ate a full bottle of Advil while we were out Christmas shopping. That was a hefty vet bill to get the week before Christmas!!

or how about the time he ate a box of dry Aunt Jemima Pancake mix. It threw up pancake batter all over the kitchen. gross!

oops...you did list the Advil overdose sorry to repeat it!
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Hayden isn't so innocent all the time...shortly after we moved to the country, he got loose from me one day(before a fence was put up). Luckily he had his collar & tag on, little guy paid for this one big time. We were frantically looking for him when a call came saying that they(the caller-someone down the road) had shot Hayden because he ate some of their chickens. They shot him! We drove him to the emergency vet who kept him overnight and who saved his life. I am so thankful for them.
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my old dog use find my knickers eat them then poop them out(disgusting hound)
When my parents oldest dog Lilly was a pup she used to dig little holes in the back yard & put things in the yard. There was one time when Lilly took my Mums reading glasses & put them in one of her little holes in the yard. When my Dad found the glasses they were all scratched & I think the edge of them were scratched.
Mum had to take the glasses to the optometirst to see if she could another pair.
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