Why I won't be around for a short time

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Hi. I haven't been able to post recently since the screen on laptop broke. I've hooked it up to another screen so that I can use it for now. I'm not sure when my husband will be able to repair the screen. Next Wednesday, we're going to California by car. That's where my older son works, & we will be gone for about 12 days. We want to visit a lot of the national parks out there & see some old friends. I probably won't be able to get to the website for about 2.5 weeks.
Hi Sabbo,

Have a wonderful trip and time to California. I had family that lived in Redding and San Fransico, but they moved do to
the cost it was and is sky high in many places.

Wishing you only the best and May God Bless You,

Have fun Sabbo! It's always nice to get out into nature and see old friends. We'll be here when you get back. :)
Insurance ALWAYS has to make things really difficult!! I just contacted them because I needed an early (2 day early) refill on my Xcopri, & they won't permit it since it's a "controlled substance". (That's the only AED that they give me monthly refills for--any others they give me a 3 month supply) Aren't all AED's controlled substances? They have given me early refills for other meds when I was going on vacation before.
I actually have to arrange a prescription transfer to another CVS located where we're going, then pick up a full month's supply from there--WHAT A PAIN!! When I return, my neurologist will need to write a new Rx.
Hi Sabbo,

See if your neuro can override the prescription and if they can then you can get it filled before you take off. Just
have the neuro call your pharmacist.
Wishing you the best of luck and May God Bless You,

Insurance ALWAYS has to make things really difficult!! I just contacted them because I needed an early (2 day early) refill on my Xcopri, & they won't permit it since it's a "controlled substance". (That's the only AED that they give me monthly refills for--any others they give me a 3 month supply) Aren't all AED's controlled substances? They have given me early refills for other meds when I was going on vacation before.
I actually have to arrange a prescription transfer to another CVS located where we're going, then pick up a full month's supply from there--WHAT A PAIN!! When I return, my neurologist will need to write a new Rx.
What a pain Sabbo. Makes no sense. The insurers seem to enjoy being obstacles to wellness.
We just returned Sunday (6/24) night. The trip was great overall. We went to San Francisco, Yosemite National Park, Death Valley, & the Hoover Dam. We visited my older son, some relatives, as well as our friends while there.
UNFORTUNATELY, the day we spent out with our friends didn't go as well as I wished it did. For no apparent reason, I had 2 complex partials while we were at the aquarium--despite taking all of my medications (and I still am taking them)!!
My neurologist's nurse called while we were in California, & said they want us to meet with him & one of the neurosurgeons about the possibility of surgery. That appointment is on July 12.
I'm glad you had a great time. Hope the July 12th meeting is good.
I'm glad you had a nice time too. Sucks what happened though. It's great they were able to get an appt that soon. That usually doesn't happen easily. Hope things go good!
Sounds like an awesome list of sites you visited. Yosemite must have been amazing.
Vacations certainly don’t help my seizure control. I’m having a very similar meeting with my neurologist on the 12th as well. 🫤
Stress from excitement/joy can be a seizure trigger just as much as the more negative forms of stress. I have to remind my wife to keep an even (emotional) keel when we do things she finds exciting.

Anyway, sounds like you had an amazing trip! Cheers.
I couldn't figure out what was causing the seizures. I was happy & enjoying myself & took a lot of pictures during the trip. The only time I was "upset" was when my husband seemed angry that I didn't want to eat any dinner. I wasn't hungry--why would I force myself to eat? After the second one, my husband borrowed a wheelchair from the aquarium customer service desk and he or my older son pushed me around in it for the remaining time that we were there.
I'm enjoying myself right now. I'm watching some 4th of July fireworks through my son's bedroom windows while checking my email. So many neighbors use them that going to the city's show isn't necessary.
Hi Sabbo,

I'm glad you had a nice trip but I'm sorry you had the seizures. Maybe it was the elevation that triggered the seizures.
I know sometimes if a person is one a higher elevation that can sometimes trigger seizures for some people but I'm sure
the stress had a lot to do with it.
I wish you only the best and May God Bless You,

I met with the neurosurgeon from NorthWestern Hospital a couple days ago. They evaluated that EEG I had back in March, & said a deeper EEG is needed to see if surgery is an option. I'd have to stay in the hospital for about a week for it, since it's a surgical procedure.
I'll see my neurologist later this week and tell him that if insurance will cover the cost, I'd like to have that EEG done. At least we'll know what can/can't be done about my seizures.
Hi Sabbo,

I had the deep EEG done yrs. ago and the surgeon drilled 7 holes in my skull and put the electrodes directly on my
brain they also had me on video around the clock. Just like you I made sure I had it in writing that my ins. would cover
it 100%. If you know of any foods or beverages that will trigger seizures you may want to eat/drink them before the
surgery, this is what my Dr. had me do then they could see where the seizures were coming from a lot faster and I didn't
have to stay in the hospital that long. I wish you only the best and May God Bless You!

Hi Sabbo,
I had a meeting with a neurosurgeon last week as well. I too am being scheduled for a similar procedure. I was told roughly 15 holes. I jokingly asked him “What size drill bit do you use?” He kinda chuckled, which made me feel good. Then went on describing how small everything is. Pointing out the screws keeping everything in place were bigger. Politely giving me a piece of humble pie.

I was told it could provide three different types of procedures that could help (lasers, implant, surgery). Once I do some research on the three I’m hoping to start a new thread.
Keep staying positive 👍
I just met with my neurologist this afternoon. I said I would like to have that EEG done, and he said his nurse will contact me with the info. I know that I have to go for some specific types of vision tests prior to having the EEG done.
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