The midnight club

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Nearly midnight, tired but my big brother is here. Became an aunty today, can't wait to meet the wee man in person!
So excited! I better go get some sleep though, up early in the morning to go shopping for stuff for my new nephew :D
Yes, it is dark again. And I'm so grateful that we know that.

My mom has dementia. She has good months, and some really bad months. One time she called me at 3am in the morning, thinking it was 3 in the afternoon. She called me on the phone said that there was a dust cloud blacking out the sun and we were all going to die.

I was pretty sleepy, and my first response was a groggy, "what?" I asked her why she was calling me in the middle of the night, and she said it was day, but the sun was blocked. I tried to explain to her it was nighttime, but she just wasn't grasping the concept. It took me an hour of talking to get her to go back to bed.

I thought that was pretty bad. Until a few weeks ago when I woke up at 2am, thought it was 2pm the next day. I thought I had slept through the night, and the day. Never mind that it was dark out, and my service (seizure alert) dog was "rooo rooo'ing" and jumping around on the bed. I didn't even know what day it was, or where I was supposed to be, or much of anything at all. I was really confused. Now I chock it up to a seizure in my sleep, and some postictal confusion after I woke up. After a bit I snapped out of it. Lordy.

I'm still scared about it sometimes. I am afriad I am becoming my mother. It's one of my secret nightmares that hides out in my heart and pushes it's way out from time to time.
Ah, Endless. Sometimes I wonder how you hold it all together so well.

I am exhausted. I have had a few hours' sleep last night. I'm on nursing duty. DH fell in the bath and refuses to go to hospital. He's in excruciating (sp?) pain, cannot sit, cannot move around. He swears it's not up in the hip joint but in the top of his leg muscles. I don't know what's going to happen around here.
2.36am. Cannot sleep because of this headache. I mean it's been nearly 3 weeks now and i've only been without it for maybe a day or two in that time.

Starts on left side of my head with a stabbing sharp sort of pain and then sort of spreads out from there. If this is a side effect of Vimpat, they can shove it where the sun shineth not! I went to the docs and got some painkillers which help for a short while, but i can't safely take any more until at least 3 or 4 in the morning.

Elsie... i think he really needs to go to the hospital. Men can be so stubborn! For example, my dad had an aneurysm in the stomach and was in agony, it took him about two days to go to the hospital, by which time it had burst.
I gotta learn to quit putting the sp? in my posts when I can't spell a word. It always goes to simple partial. Not HIS problem. Possible broken hip and stubbornness is his problem.
Of course, you are right, Loopy. I thought I had him talked into it for tomorrow morning early, but then he decided no. He's afraid the ambulance transport will be so painful he won't be able to stand it. Right now he can't move around in bed, sit or stand. I know if he could get into the car he'd let me take him.

I hope you get some sleep soon. When I have bouts of not sleeping, I usually catch up in a few days by sleeping hour after hour after hour. Right now I'm a zombie cause he keeps waking me up to change his position.
i broke my record and was up for like 5 days before hitting a wall of seizures. Sometimes I get so involved in my art, time has no relevance. I find it interesting how creative I can be when I should be asleep. I have made plans to write my first book, so I suppose I will get most of it done from midnight to daylight. I wonder if the fact that my mind races and jumps around to the most awkward scenarios, when I need to be concentrating doesn't happen when I haven't had my rest. If I do get to sleep, I am so aware of my dreams that I feel I am awake. These dreams usually are some sort of puzzle that I am part of. The logic of these puzzles doesn't make any sense but it is so real. When I was working I would see my computer screen and would be working out problems.
Elsie, Yes, men are stubborn. Is there anything that's worked with him in the past? Any way you can get him in there?

Lou, heaaches are awful. Have you told your neuro that you are suffering like this?
Loopy, I was sorry to read about your father.

Well, I told DH what someone told me about their grandma refusing to go to hosp. and she never walked unassisted again. So we got ambulance and after much screaming got him on the stretcher & to hospital. He has broken hip and operation happening tomorrow morning early. I will have about 4 hours to sleep tonight if I'm able.

I don't know how you guys do it with such a little bit of sleep. I felt so awful the last few days. Last night we managed to get a few hours uninterrupted, and I was aware that I'd fallen into a "black hole" somewhere and I just slept and slept and slept and it felt so very good in that black hole. Funny what images one's mind will conjur up. After 2 such sleeps in my little dark world I felt human again.

It made me think and wonder if half the symptoms some of you have are simply sleep deprevation.

I'm so glad he went to the hospital. What a relief. How is he doing now?

I'm also glad you got a nice, deep sleep. That sounds like heaven.

Sleep deprivation? I have just learned to live with it. My body just normalized to it somehow. I thought my insomnia was due to the lamictal, but now I think it's due to a disease that I have (IIH), which is known to cause insomnia.

Lou, how are you doing?

Court, how is your hand feeling?

Matchu, gotten much sleep yet, or still working on your art?
Loopy, I was sorry to read about your father.

Oh! I'm sorry, i should have said that he got there in time :paperbag:

I'm pretty much back to my normal pattern of sleeping too much, unless i'm particularly stressed.

Still got the headaches. I'm trying to stretch out the painkillers that the doc gave me, so i only take them when it's really unbearable. Still trying to get an appointment with the neurologist >.<
Oh, Loopy, I am glad to read that.

About 3 hours' sleep, the light kind because I kept waking to check the clock and see if I slept through alarm. Have I said I don't do early mornings well?

This is grueling. DH has been screwed together again, hopefully successfully, we will know for sure in a few months, and he's in and out of pain induced fog moderated by major poppy meds.

I can't keep this up. I'll need a week by myself to recuperate and I know I'm not ever gonna get that.

It's awful feeling this tired. I can't imagine anybody's body getting used to it.
It's 12:15 am and I am up because I can't sleep so I guess that makes me a member of the midnight club.

I often have trouble sleeping. I am on Keppra and Zoloft. I take Keppra for the partial nocturnal seizures. It helps with the seizures as I haven't had one in a while but now I get these terrible leg pains that wake me up every night at 4 am.
I used to take Tegretol and I didnt get those leg pains but the Doctor doesn't want to put me back on the Tegretol because it affected my liver blood count. Now that aI am on Keppra my liver blood count is normal but I get these terrible leg pains every night while I am sleeping. The doctor thinks that maybe its nerve pain.
i am done sewing for the night,
looking for the my next pattern, it is a little
bigger than I thought it would be. it might be a
bit of a challenge, and it can wait till tomorrow.
What is it Court? I'm tired, my head is pounding, and I can't get back to sleep..

I love to sew, but I don't have a sewing machine at the moment.

Right now, I am doing counted cross-stitch though. :bigsmile: Keeps me entertained.......
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