
  1. Hand of Blood

    Need help!

    hey guys Does anyone know what the best anti depressants are to take with tegretol? I used to take citalopram and hated it so much I dont really wanna take any but it used to help my anger and its got way out of control lately Thanks :hugs:
  2. K

    Keppra Anger?

    Hi everyone, I just joined this site because I am curious to see who has become angry while on Keppra XR? I have been taking Keppra (and a very small 25mg dose of topamax) for over 11 years, and for the past 6 months or so, I have bouts of anger. I'm not sad or I know it's not...
  3. mylo

    becoming a radical individual

    more than i already was anyway... haven't been on here in a few days or so. life was going amazing, got a new tattoo, best time ever with my girlfriend, etc, then it hit me as to why she loves being on my facebook so i asked to see hers. we had a bad time a few months back when we started where...
  4. Z

    Topomax Crazy

    Hello. I need some guidance here. Currently, I'm on Dilantin and Topomax (200 mg). Dr hasn't cut my Dilantin off yet, just in case Topomax doesn't work out but the goal is to get off of Dilantin permanently. My main problem is that I am very angry. Every little imperfection drives me nuts. I'm...
  5. N

    Anger w/ Lamictal Increase?

    Hi, My tonic clonic seizures have been well controlled with Lamictal for the past several years - as in no episodes for about 5 years. Then out of the blue I have 2 in one day. So we up the Lamictal from 400mg to 600mg/ day. My Neuro said that it might be overkill, and that I may feel lousy, and...
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