
  1. M

    my brother has had a few seizures in the past yr. i need help finding out more

    Hi everyone. I was trying to do my research on epilepsy and seizures, and came across this forum. I hope some of you can shed some light on my situation. About a year ago, my older brother had a seizure. And since then he's had a couple more. We think it's due to stress (and our family has had...
  2. CBernieBlack

    Post-ictal munchies

    Anyone get super hungry after having a seizure? The last couple I've had, I find myself feeling super hungry after waking up. Anyone else get the munchies? If you do, what do you want? I usually crave something like Grilled Cheese or something like that.
  3. P

    Let us be thankful…

    In 5 minutes you can help feed the hungry around the world, provide free mammograms, contibute to research for autism,help our returning veterans, donate books for needy kids, and contribute to saving the rainforest and those unfortunate animals in shelters. And all of it is FREE! It’s so...
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