
  1. Bindi

    Do your seizures change?

    Hi everyone. I haven't been on here in a while. I've been meaning to come back here and talk/ask about this but I'm a procrastinator and I also have the world's worst memory. Lol so here it is... My grand mals (I called those 'the big ones') have been taken care of by the medicine but I...
  2. A

    Would you laugh or be offended

    Okay, my DOCTOR said something to me today & kind of surprised me. I know he was kidding but what do you think? I went to my dad's appointment with him, we have the same doctor and as we left, I saw him talking to one of the other doctors and above that doctor's office, there was a sign that...
  3. P

    How to stay young

    Here are some inspired ideas by George Carlin on how to stay young. I think they’re brilliant. Now if we could all manage to do this, maybe we would live a little longer! "Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you...
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