
  1. T

    Epilepsy and collagen/zinc supplements effects

    Dear All, I had a seizure 7 years ago, I have been on lamotrogine and seizure free since, I have a very strong family history of it and I do get auras sometimes! 3 weeks ago I started taking 8mg collagen which also contains 8mg of zinc, I felt okay the first 2 weeks but 3rd week now I’ve been...
  2. MonkeyBoy

    Wondering if anyone is considering going natural?

    Hanging out tonight and reading some of the many threads where so many people are dealing with medicines and their effects or many newbies are here and just starting their journeys. I was wondering if anyone that read the threads last week about natural methods has given anymore consideration to...
  3. MonkeyBoy

    Just Swinging In For The First Time

    Hi All, I have been reading many, many posts for the past several weeks trying to learn as much as I can in order to be able to help a family member as much as I can. They have started having seizures 9 months ago - Grand Mals and averaging about 1 seizure about every 4-6 weeks. He has not had...
  4. T

    Alternative treatments only? any success?

    Hi again, I was wondering if anybody has had any success while solely using things like dietary changes, vitamin/mineral supplementation, homeopathy, etc, to control seizures and stop them completely? Has it worked to use just these and not meds? We are working to find the best treatment for...
  5. L

    not on any specific diets

    but wondered if there were any foods or supplements that i could add to my diet that didnt cost a lot(on a limited income)that mey help with seizure control/ with problems that may possibly be caused by my epilepsy meds. I am on gabapentin and topamax.could anyone give me some advice please.
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