
  1. A

    Vitamin Deficiencies, Seizures and Anti-seizure medicine

    Ive been reading a lot of stuff in the past few hours and found this article. One of several but this one says that some anti-seizure medicines may deplete certain nutrients you need in your body. Many nutrients you need such as vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Botin, Vitamin B12, & more, canbe...
  2. MonkeyBoy

    Just Swinging In For The First Time

    Hi All, I have been reading many, many posts for the past several weeks trying to learn as much as I can in order to be able to help a family member as much as I can. They have started having seizures 9 months ago - Grand Mals and averaging about 1 seizure about every 4-6 weeks. He has not had...
  3. edepew151


    Hi everyone! I've had epilepsy since I was 13, and I'm now 19. You'd think I'd have it under control by now, but I don't. New triggers just keep popping up (I'm up to 9). The only food related one I have is caffine, but I want to know what other foods/substances set you guys off? I'm going to be...
  4. T

    Alternative treatments only? any success?

    Hi again, I was wondering if anybody has had any success while solely using things like dietary changes, vitamin/mineral supplementation, homeopathy, etc, to control seizures and stop them completely? Has it worked to use just these and not meds? We are working to find the best treatment for...
  5. J

    A Natural Way I heard to treat Epilepsy, take a look this, lol

    HI, there. I wonder if you've ever heard about Dr. James F. Balch? He is a physician, a surgeon, a certified nutritional consultant and a leading authority on integrative medicine and nutritional healing. Dr Balch has written several books and co-authored two best-selling books that address a...
  6. A

    Nutritional Depletion as a Side Effect of Anticonvulsant Medications The information below is for educational purposes only. Recent research has shown that few generic brands of vitamins and supplements fulfil the need for a high quality product. It is therefore vital that you discuss...
  7. forward2007

    Vitamins and seizures

    Has anyone here ever thought that multi-vitamins or mega-vitamins helped decrease the number of seizures that they had? I once had a friend who had epilepsy who took mega-vitamins that she thought cut her number of seizures in half. The only problem was that they cost $40 a month! It wasn't...
  8. Bernard

    Alternative Treatments/Therapies for Epilepsy?

    At the VNS Therapy seminar, the only treatments that were discussed as being available for epileptics were:drug therapybrain surgerya Ketogenic dietVagus nerve stimulationWhen I asked the nurse practitioner about EEG neurofeedback, she said that the hospital doesn't offer it and she did not...
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